Warrior Nurse: PTSD and Healing March 27, 202

Monday, March 24, 2025

Warrior Nurse: PTSD and Healing with Sarah L. Blum
Thursday, March 27, 6:30pm-8:00pm
Cost: $7.50
Get tickets here

Sarah Blum will share slides from her year at the 12th Evacuation Hospital in Cu Chi, Vietnam in 1967, where she lived, the helipad, in the operating room for casualties when they arrived and in the tunnels of Cu Chi, and when she returned to Vietnam in 1996 on the first PeaceTrees trip.

Sarah L. Blum is a decorated nurse Vietnam veteran who earned the Army Commendation Medal serving as an operating room nurse at the 12th Evacuation Hospital Cu Chi, Vietnam during the height of the fighting in 1967. 

Sarah was awarded the Certificate of Achievement for exemplary service as head nurse of the orthopedic ward at Madigan Army Hospital in 1968, where she was also the assistant director of nursing on evening and night shift in 1970. 

She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, Summa Cum Laude, from Seattle University and her Master’s in Psychosocial Nursing, Cum Laude, from the UW.

Subtitles and Closed Captioning will be provided for our guests who are deaf and hard of hearing. The EWC also offers Assistive Listening devices available to check out or connect with your smartphone.

Reserve your seat online ~ walk-ins are welcome the night of the event based on available seating. Online ticket sales end at 4pm on Thursday, March 27, 2025.


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