Theatre review: 9 To 5 The Musical at Shoreline Community College is a fun take on a classic 80’s movie

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Part of the cast of 9 To 5 The Musical at Shoreline Community College
Top from left: Clara Spain, Mariah Matney, Ilze Riekstins.
Bottom: Payton Catt, Susan McIntyre, Duncan Thorvilson
Photo by Maleah Nicole Photography

9 To 5 The Musical at Shoreline Community College 
weekends February 28 - March 9, 2025
Music and Lyrics by Dolly Parton
Book by Patricia Resnick
Directed by Duygu Monson and John Nold

By Kindle Carpp

The musical 9 to 5 is a comedic story about three female coworkers in the 1970s who plot to get revenge on their sexist and lying boss. The show is based on the 1980 movie of the same name, with music and lyrics by Dolly Parton.

This musical was a very fun take on a classic 80’s movie. For the most part the musical follows the plot of the film with a few alterations and updates to keep things fresh.

The audience was emotionally engaged with the plot; there were groans, grumbles, cheers and lots of laughter. Although the cast members were all very enjoyable there were a few standouts.

Mariah Matney, who played Judy, was an excellent singer, with fabulous pitch, tone and high notes. She delivered several stellar solos and was an asset to the cast.

Payton Catt, who played Franklin Hart, was a strong soloist, has great stage presence, was very engaging. 

I was able to go to the after performance actor Q / A session where Catt was asked about the difficulties of playing such a misogynistic role. 

His very thoughtful answer was that while it was difficult to embody this role, even if the culture has improved, misogyny and inequality are still present in our current society. So he had more than enough material to help him portray his character.

Susan Mcintyre, who played Roz, did a great job with the duality of her role as a woman in love with a man she can never have and the office mean girl. And her solo was a welcome surprise, a very funny song with great stage direction.

In addition:
  • Ilze Riekstinš, who played Doralee, had a flawless accent that never broke.
  • Chyler White, who played Maria, was a stand out dancer.
  • Duncan Thorvilson, who played Dick, exuded great pizzazz.
The set design by John Nold, assisted by Richard Schaefer, was dynamic and visually interesting. With four levels, four exits and an extension of the stage around the orchestra pit, it was all cleverly used.

Fridays and Saturdays, February 28, March 1,7 & 8 at 7:30pm
Sunday matinees, March 2 & 9 at 3:00pm

  • General Admission - $20.00
  • Seniors, Staff & students - $12.00
  • Shoreline Community College Students / Children - $5
Free Parking. Concessions, Beer and Wine available for purchase.


Anonymous,  March 2, 2025 at 12:16 PM  

I saw it last night, and it was a wonderful production! Bravo to the whole cast and crew!

I’m surprised you didn’t mention Clara Spain’s performance as Violet among the standouts, though—she was fantastic!

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