St. Patrick's Day lunch and unveiling of time capsule at Shoreline-LFP Senior Center's 50th Anniversary Monday

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Over 100 people attended the luncheon at the Senior Center

Story and photos by John Boril

On Monday, March 17, 2025 more than a hundred people enjoyed a Saint Patrick's Day luncheon at the Shoreline - Lake Forest Park Senior Center. 

It was the Center's 50th Anniversary
It was also a celebration of the Center's 50th Anniversary.

So in addition to a fine meal that included lamb and beef stew and traditional Irish soda bread, the guests got to take a look into the past. 

Center Director Emily Jones and Program Coordinator Kevin Hallagan opened the capsule

The Time Capsule
Center Director Emily Jones and Program Coordinator Kevin Hallagan cracked open a Styrofoam beer cooler... I mean Time Capsule... which had been sealed at the center 30 years ago. 

Inside were lists of names and photographs of some of the center's members back in 1995.

A gift from the Quilting Club of 1995
And there were gifts to the present, including a small quilt from the Quilting Club. And a tiny ceramic Fairy made by Edna Short in the center's ceramics class.

Contribution from a member of the 1995 ceramics clubs
Treasures from the time capsule will be on display at the Center.  And, yes, they are already gathering items for a new time capsule to be opened in 2075.



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