Shoreline residents: Your opinion is needed - Sunset School Park Green Features
Thursday, March 20, 2025
Last fall, community members shared ideas for different types of green features they'd like to see at Sunset School Park.
The City's Surface Water Utility has taken those ideas and created five design options for green spaces at the Park—and now we’d love to hear what you think!
Sunset School Park is located at 17840 10th Ave NW, Shoreline WA 98177
Share your thoughts here - Take the survey by April 18, 2025.
About this project: This is a planning project led by the City's Surface Water Utility in partnership with the City's Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Department.
This design planning project will create a detailed design for new green features at Sunset School Park that will help soak up rainwater and protect our streams, lakes, and Puget Sound.
This is a design project only, meaning that construction of any new green features is currently unfunded.
The Surface Water Utility plans to use the final designs to apply for grant funding to install the selected green features. Any final design plan will only affect the most western part of the park, potentially removing some lawn and asphalt at the park.
The majority of the park will stay the same for all the same current uses such sports, walking, biking, and playing. This project is funded through a King County Waterworks Grant.
I can never figure out our City's approach to prioritizing which parks receive updates. The Richmond Beach Library Park has languished for 20 years with zero updates beyond replacing playground equipment. The park is just a blank field surrounded by an old wall. Meanwhile, at the top of the hill, the relatively new Sunset park is getting upgraded. Makes me wonder.
I'd like to know what the plan is for the space that was designated to be the Edwin Pratt pocket park on 185th...
No current activity on Edwin Pratt park.
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