Scam season: Kenmore residents targeted by phone scammers

Thursday, March 20, 2025

This past week, some elderly residents in Kenmore were targeted by phone scammers.

The thieves claimed to be from the federal government and were requiring the residents to get a large sum of cash from the bank. 

They claimed that a federal agent would come to their house to pick it up. 

When the victim grew suspicious, the scammers put someone on the phone claiming to be from Kenmore PD to verify that this was legitimate. 

Remember- the federal government, or any other government agency, will not call you on the phone and request cash or gift cards. 

Also, if they tell you that this transaction is secretive, and say you mustn't tell anyone, it is a SCAM! 

You can always call the King County Sheriff's Office (206-296-3311) and ask to speak with an Officer who can help you sort through it.

Don't be a victim!


Anonymous,  March 20, 2025 at 4:11 PM  

I've been receiving texts stating I have toll fees and fines. I needed to pay them. They ask for a credit or debit. SORRY, not getting money out of me.

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