March 31 deadline to remove studded tires

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Remove studded tires by March 31
Photo courtesy WSDOT
Spring arrived in the Northwest earlier this week, and with it comes Washington's deadline to remove studded tires.

Studded tires must be removed by the end of the day on Monday, March 31, to avoid a potential fine of $137. 

Automotive centers are expected to be busy the weekend before the deadline, so we are encouraging travelers to plan ahead.

"Studded tires cause between $20 million to $29 million in damage to Washington's state-owned roads each winter, in addition to damaging city and county roads," said WSDOT Maintenance Operations Manager James Morin.
"There are many alternative traction options available. We encourage drivers to consider non-stud, winter-tread tires, which provide excellent traction without the road damage caused by metal studs."

Studded tires are legal in Washington from Nov. 1 to March 31. There is no individual exception or "out of state waiver" to the studded tire dates. Tickets could be issued by the Washington State Patrol as soon as Monday, April 1. WSDOT does not issue tickets.

Washington and Oregon share the same March 31 removal deadline, but other states may have different rules. All drivers—including visitors—must follow Washington's motor vehicle laws while in the state.


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