Letter to the Editor: Progressive taxes: Fund our schools and educators

Friday, March 14, 2025

To the editor

Raising a family of six in the greater Seattle area on a single income is challenging. The lack of affordable resources makes it even more difficult. Our communities are paying the price when the wealthiest do not pay the taxes they truly owe. We are paying not only through our own sales and property taxes, but through major budget cuts to our schools. 

The first programs to go are special education programs, which are important for shaping children of all ages to contribute to our communities in the future.

I have children that range from 18 months to 11 years old. We struggle with the challenge of unaffordable care and early education with our younger two children, and a lack of resources and staff for valuable programs for our older children in the public school system.

Higher taxes for the working class are not the solution, and neither is cutting resources for the schools we all depend on. We live in an area with a handful of multimillionaires and billionaires that are not paying what they truly owe. It is time to raise the progressive taxes on the ultra-rich to fully fund schools and educators, resulting in a system that works for all income levels in the state of Washington.

Kat Hill
Lake Forest Park


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