Lake Forest Park Police defuse situation with mentally ill subject with firearm

Friday, March 21, 2025

At approximately 8:00am on Thursday, March 20, 2025 Lake Forest Park Police officers responded to a call regarding a subject who brandished a firearm and threatened a waste disposal employee during trash collection.

The subject involved is known to have mental health concerns.

In response, our entire working staff—administration, detectives, and officers—mobilized immediately, deploying all available resources, including newly deployed less lethal tools, and the support of our Regional Crisis Response (RCR) mental health professional.

Thanks to the swift and coordinated efforts of our team, the subject exited the home and cooperated with officers without the need for force. 

Given the location of the incident on Bothell Way / SR522 during rush hour, officers also had to block at least one northbound lane to ensure public safety.

This situation showcased outstanding emergency response, with all available personnel and resources deployed in under two minutes. The leadership, teamwork, and professionalism displayed were truly remarkable.

--LFP Police Department


Anonymous,  March 21, 2025 at 9:09 AM  

Thank you for sharing these stories. Congratulations on your professionalism and deescalation techniques!

Anonymous,  March 21, 2025 at 9:23 AM  

And would like to know what happened to him was he arrested firearm taken away probation

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