Lake Forest Park Climate Survey

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Earth from space
Residents of Lake Forest Park were sent a postcard encouraging them to take the Climate Impacts survey.

This is a chance for you to have your concerns and ideas about climate impacts heard. You can scan the QR code to take the survey.

The city of Lake Forest Park has completed the Climate Action Plan in 2024. 

A companion to the action plan is the climate element of the Comprehensive Plan. The climate element is a required element in the Comprehensive Plan. 

This survey is part of the process to build a framework for reducing emissions and building a resilient community.

There will be additional opportunities to voice your opinions and concerns. There will be an open house later in the spring. The draft climate element will be delivered to the City Council. There will be public hearings and an opportunity to make a short statement to the City Council.

Take the survey today. The survey closes on April 10.


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