Are you seeing birds dive into a bush, showing a flash of white tail feathers? In this area those are juncos.
Stand still, watch for movement and flashes of white on or near the ground and listen for their contact call, a kind of a clicking sound.
Dark-eyed Juncos are the most common bird in North America with our area having them all year long.
Dark-eyed Juncos are the most common bird in North America with our area having them all year long.
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The more white outer feathers, the older the bird. Photo by Chris Southwick |
Juncos are part of the Sparrow family and eat and nest mainly on the ground. The Dark-eyed Juncos we have here are a sub-species called Oregon Juncos.
The rapid trill of the mate-seeking, territorial male is delightful, and if you find a nest in a hanging basket, it is probably a junco’s.
Juncos do not use nest boxes, preferring to hide their nests on or near the ground. I’ve had juncos nesting in evergreen clematis and other low dense bushes.
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This male is feeding his young while the mother is probably on a second brood Photo by Chris Southwick |
Both parents feed their young and often raise a second brood here, with the father feeding the first brood while the female is on the second brood. The male has a dark black head and hood, the female’s is grayish sometimes with a little brown.
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Presumed successful nest found while pruning ferns Photo by Chris Southwick |
If you want juncos in your yard, plant flowers and put up a feeder (they like millet).
Provide water and shrubs, and evergreen trees for shade. Juncos prefer escape routes using multi–stemmed shrubs, like rhodys and snowberry.
Besides, it’s fun to watch them plummet from a small branch, and brake just before certain destruction.
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