Donut Factory coming to Shoreline
Thursday, March 13, 2025
While driving by the Arctic Mini Mart today, I noticed a banner: "Donut Factory Coming Soon!" "Holy Maple Bar!" I thought. A Donut Factory coming to Shoreline? That's enough to make your eyes glaze over.
I had to stop and ask what this was all about. It was the yeast I could do.
The owner of the Mini Mart said his family just acquired the convenience store two months ago. They want to spruce up the place and part of that project is to devote a corner of the store to feature goodies from the Donut Factory. I can't wait to tell my friends; they'll be all jelly.
Address: 19246 15th Ave NE (beside The Kushery cannabis dispensary).
The two current Donut Factories are at:
- Lynnwood (20815 67th Ave W)
- Seattle (4336 Roosevelt Way NE)
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