Collections Corner: Scouts, and Brownies & Campfire Girls oh my!

Monday, March 17, 2025

By Robby Grillo, Collections Manager
Shoreline Historical Museum

We've talked about special companions in our Collections Corner, from trunks on wheels to teddy bears

Scout Troop 304 Staff. SHM Permanent Collection 1997-003-005

Now it's time to feature a common companion that accompanies many of us on outdoor excursions, the hiking staff! 

Scouts at Richmond Beach, 1920. SHM Archives, Photo 1652

Whether fashioned from a sapling or forged in resin, inlaid with a compass or puncture points at the bottom, the hiking staff was not only a companion but a reflection of the wielder as well.

For the various scouting groups that dutifully have served communities for almost 120 years, the staff has been a constant and special presence alongside Boy Scouts, Brownies, and Campfire Girls alike. 

Lake Forest Park Brownie Troop 381, 1952. SHM Archives, Photo 1867

Pictured above is a Boy Scout Staff with intricate carvings and wood-burning. 

The staff dates to 1962 and belonged to Shoreline's very own Boy Scout Troop 304! 

"Omache" represents Camp Omache that was a camp location of the Chief Seattle Council in Washington for the Boy Scouts. 

Campfire Girls at Echo Lake. 1922. SHM Archives, Photo 1717

Troop 304 would have been represented in the Aurora District which includes present day Shoreline, Lake Forest Park, and North Seattle.

[Ed. note: Does anyone recognize themselves in the Brownie photo?]


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