CANCELLED: Coffee with a Cop

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

We want to address the current conversation (and negative feedback) surrounding Shoreline Police Department’s Coffee with a Cop event originally scheduled for March 26, 2025. 

The event has been canceled. It was neither the department's, nor the City’s, intent to make any community member feel unwelcome based on the selection of the event venue and the values that the venue may or may not hold. 

When planning future events, we will be more intentional with our venue selection.

Again, we are reaffirming our commitment to creating a thriving city that is Welcoming to All. Part of how we can do that is by listening to our community, taking feedback, be it negative or positive, and coming out better and stronger.

We listen.
We see you.
We hear you, Shoreline.

With Thanks,
City of Shoreline


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