January News for Sno-King Folk Dance

Friday, December 27, 2024

Photo by Kathy Bruni


As we skate into the new year, we are still in a party mood, so we invite you to dance with us from 2:00-4:00 in the afternoon on New Year's Day.

Otherwise we meet every Wednesday from 7:00-9:00 pm. We do every kind of international folk dance; line, couple, set, or individual. After a period for requests, there is a short lesson, and a program of dances. You don't have to bring a partner.

Wednesday Jan. 8 is set teaching night, which starts early at 6:45; A Scottish Strathspey will be taught.
Saturday Jan. 11 from 7:00-9:00 pm is our Sno-King birthday party celebrating the founding of the club. Come and eat cake.

This month on the remaining Wednesdays we will also teach a Greek line dance and a Serbian line dance.

You will be surprised how much fun folk dancing is. There are easy dances, as well as harder ones for old hands. Folk dancers have more fun!


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