Letter to the Editor: Vandalism to Pacific madrone continues
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Vandalism to the Pacific madrone at the north bluff in Richmond Beach Saltwater Park, near the corner of 22nd Ave NW and NW 190th St, just east of the curve, continues. Trimming of the branches is now down to the main trunk. Erosion has occurred on this critical area slope and there is community concern about the stability of the bluff and the houses below.
Between Tuesday, 10/22/24 at 4pm and Wednesday at 9am, another branch on this tree was cut. Kay Lakey, Richmond Beach resident monitoring the vandalism to this tree, called the police to update existing case number K24285801, filed last week. The police arrived at the location and updated the case report.
We agree this is not the best use of police time but the case report is raising community awareness that damage to park trees is illegal.
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The damaged tree is on a steep slope over houses |
Kay has been following the vandalism to this tree for a month and has a complete sequence of photos. During her time sitting by this tree, she has been approached by nearby residents who share her concerns. Kay informed these neighbors of the police report and to call police about any vandalism.
Concerns and photos have been emailed to the City. On Monday, Save Shoreline Trees suggested by email to the City that a 6’ protective barrier be placed in front of this tree or, if possible, around this tree, until the City can determine a solution whether it be cameras, signage or an alternative action to stop the vandalism. Without immediate action by the City, this tree will not survive the intent of the vandal.
Kay Lakey, Richmond Beach Resident and Park Steward
Kathleen Russell, Save Shoreline Trees Co-chair
Strange. If it's not a neighbor wanting a view, my guess would be it's someone with a mental illness who has some obsession. This is a lovely madrone and after losing two to the developers brutally developing the corner lots, it would be a shame to lose another one. Kudos to Save Shoreline Trees for being vigilant.
The tree is not over houses. It is in front of houses but not over.
Random mischief? Someone enhancing their view?
It's bad enough we have the city removing trees, now we've got people vandalizing them, too.
According to Shoreline Municipal Code, it is illegal to damage park trees (SMC 8.12.400; 8.12.010.K). At the City PRCS/Tree Board meeting on Thurs., 10/24/24, City Staff said this matter is still under investigation and to call "911" if you see tree vandalism. The police case number for this Pacific madrone is K24285801.
This is part of a pattern in this area. Possibility view related? Folks may feel entitled or justified in doing so if they see that the City has a relationship with certain neighbors to maintain views. Which it does. Shoreline needs to work harder to educate, protect, enforce
This Madrone street is across the street from any home and is not blocking any views. The city should do more to publicize the way people can report vandalism to trees and park property along with penalties. The city needs to be more vigilant as well and not wait to take action after the Madrone tree starts to die. The embankment at the North bluff in RB Saltwater park without tree root stabilization could give way. This Madrone has been vandalized almost nightly since September and the city should do more.
Edit to above post: "This Madrone tree is across the street away from any home and is not blocking any views."
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