Farewell gathering as Theresa LaCroix retires from the Shoreline Lake Forest Park Senior Center

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Board Member passed the mike so each could speak of their appreciation for Theresa LaCroix (holding flowers) Photo by Mike Remarcke

By Diane Hettrick

Board Members, Staff, volunteers, and other community members gathered on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 to honor Theresa LaCroix as she retired from her position as Executive Director of the Shoreline - Lake Forest Park Senior Center.

Over six years, including almost half of that time weathering the COVID-19 pandemic, Theresa maintained and supported the staff and programming at the center. 

Several commented "I always knew that Theresa had my back."

She reached out into the wider community, establishing strong relationships with local and county governments, veterans, neighborhood, ethnic organizations, LGBTQIA+ Seniors.

The Kapuna (Elders) Hula Dancers have been meeting at the Senior Center for over 15 years
Photo by Kathy A. Thompson

Many spoke of their appreciation and affection for her. The Kapuna (Elders) Hula Dancers performed two numbers. "Aloha means hello, goodby, and love"

Post 227 Commander Larry Fischer spoke of his pleasure at how Theresa invited and welcomed veterans to the center.  

During the pandemic and especially before vaccines were available, Theresa shifted operations from providing daily hot lunches at the center to soliciting, bagging, and delivering bags of groceries to several hundred homebound seniors - with the help of the National Guard!

After the National Guard was withdrawn, volunteers took over the deliveries. One laughed ruefully about delivering 200 bags of groceries to homebound seniors at the end of a long day.

After the pandemic, Theresa supported board members in bringing back fundraising activities to help support an always cash-strapped organization.

Her board presented her with flowers and a gift card. Each spoke briefly about their appreciation for her.

Her immediate retirement plans are to spend two months driving with her 27 year old horse to Texas to visit relatives.

Aloha Theresa!


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