The following are exempt from the license requirements:

  • Tax-exempt non-profit organizations who have filed a current 501(C)3 with the City Clerk
  • Newspaper deliverers
  • Political candidates, campaign workers and political committees soliciting signatures of registered voters
  • Sales people who solicit businesses
Crime Prevention

Safeguard yourself and your home from unscrupulous door-to-door solicitors:
  • Always ask solicitors for identification to verify what company they are working for. If they refuse, ask them to leave.
  • Ask to see their license from the City of Shoreline. If they do not have one, ask them to leave.
  • If you encounter a solicitor who becomes aggressive or won’t take “no” for an answer, ask them to leave, shut the door and call 911.
  • Never invite a solicitor into your home. You can say “no thank you” without opening the door.
  • Never give a solicitor your Social Security number.
  • Don't give a salesperson cash or a check. Ask to order directly from the company online or receive a bill to pay upon receipt of the product or service.
  • If an item seems too good or too inexpensive to be true, it probably is.
  • Orders taken are required to be in writing, in duplicate (you get a copy) and to state the name of the solicitor as it appears on his/her license, the solicitor’s permit number, the address of the solicitor and their employer, the terms of the agreement and the amount paid to the solicitor.
  • You may post a “No Solicitor” sign on private property.
Registered Solicitors 

Currently the only company registered with the City is Ever-Green Tree Care.

Report Solicitor Violations to Shoreline Police Non-Emergency (206) 296-3311. Be prepared to describe appearance, clothing, and direction they went when they left your property.