Speed limit to be reduced on section of Ballinger Way in Shoreline

Friday, August 2, 2024

Speed limit on Ballinger Way
 will be reduced to 35mph
The City of Shoreline reports that last week, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) informed the City that a change to the speed limit on Ballinger Way NE (SR 104) from 15th Avenue NE to 25th Avenue NE has been enacted. 

The speed limit will be reduced from 40 MPH to 35 MPH once new signs are erected.

The City will replace four speed limit signs along this corridor on August 9, 2024 ensuring that the updated speed limit is clearly marked for drivers traveling through the area.

This change was made based on traffic data analysis conducted by WSDOT and City staff, utilizing industry speed limit setting practices aligned with the goals of injury reduction.

There will be no change to Ballinger Way in Lake Forest Park. The top speed on Ballinger is already 35mph, with 30mph through the city center.

Oddly, the speed limit will remain at 40mph through the congested Ballinger business district.


Anonymous,  August 2, 2024 at 7:53 AM  

Actually, the section from 15th NE to 25th NE includes the business district of Ballinger.

Largo Vista Manager August 2, 2024 at 12:12 PM  

That's wonderful! ANY reduction/enforcement of speed on this section+corner would be greatly appreciated. Now if only people would slow down when coming off I-5 onto Ballinger and then taking a right onto 15th Ave NE. I discourage my residents from trying to cross directly from our driveway to the Chevron across the street and go to the stoplight instead, but even that has been hazardous!

Anonymous,  August 2, 2024 at 5:47 PM  

It would be interesting to note how many injuries have been caused by the speed limit in this area? How many pedestrians have been hit? Any?

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