Shoreline piloting a new dockless electric scooter and bike program

Thursday, August 1, 2024

The City of Shoreline is excited to launch a new dockless electric scooter and bike pilot program this July! 

You can explore the city in a fun and environmentally friendly way while connecting to public transportation options and reducing your reliance on a car.

The program will be piloted for two years with Lime selected as the service provider. Riders can download the Lime app on their smartphones to locate and unlock available scooters and bikes. 

For safety, helmets are required when riding, but there's a discount offered to incentivize helmet use. 

The City has asked Lime to start out with a limited deployment of scooters and bikes to test the service and see how well it works for our residents.


Anonymous,  August 1, 2024 at 6:39 AM  

I’ve had two encounters with people misusing scooters, one of which nearly put me and another pedestrian in the hospital. I urge the city not to bring them into our city.

Anonymous,  August 1, 2024 at 8:01 AM  

I'm sad to see these coming to Shoreline given my experience with them in Seattle. The riders largely do not wear helmets, pose a hazard to pedestrians, ignore traffic laws and block sidewalks when unused.
The most recent incident with the scooter/transit bus collision in Seattle illustrates how unsafe they are.
The city is misguided in it's experiment and should cancel it immediately.

Anonymous,  August 1, 2024 at 8:28 AM  

It seems like the vision for Shoreline is to make it more like some village in the Cotswolds or Midsomer Murders. "Walker and biker friendly" are frequently heard as the hoped for outcome. Most of Shoreline is walker friendly now. You see all kinds of dog walkers out but they are going to any city center because we don't have one. Yesterday I spent all afternoon running errands all over shoreline. It was a beautiful day and the brand new bike lanes were freshly painted. In all my travels I saw one biker and that was on a great day. Once the rains come there will be no bikers at all. The city council needs a reality check. This burb was designed for what people want in a burb. We don't and never will live in a small, quaint, English village with people using bikes for transportation to shop, go to the pub, or church. What percent of Shoreliners even use bus transport? Do we even have numbers or is this just someone's pipe dream?

Anonymous,  August 2, 2024 at 8:48 AM  

It will be nice to see more people getting around without their cars.

Anonymous,  August 3, 2024 at 9:30 AM  

hopefully the multi family units going up all over will have some space available for the scooters to park while not in use. It would be nice if the folks in North City and on Aurora could scoot to transit centers instead of drive. Oh! Maybe the scooters were the reason for the deluxe sidewalk on 5th NE from NE 175th to NE 185th.

Anonymous,  August 3, 2024 at 7:46 PM  

Please, No! Six months ago I was run over by a Lime scooter being ridden at top speed on a busy Seattle sidewalk. The rider did stop and ask if I was OK, but then said, “Why didn’t you get out of the way?” before speeding off!! That person had no consideration for others and blamed the pedestrian! I ended up in the ER, followed by numerous medical visits. I’m finally recovered but the co-pays drained my health savings account. I would not wish that experience on anyone else! In 2023, Paris banned shared e-scooters and now only permits privately owned scooters and the owners are required to take out insurance. I have no issues with responsible owners, but please do not introduce shared e-scooters to Shoreline!

Anonymous,  August 8, 2024 at 12:36 PM  

While the idea seems great on the surface, in the end, the devices seem to come with more negatives than positives. I expect to see many of the first 200 devices that will hit Shoreline for the first round of the pilot in places they shouldn't be making the city look trashier than it already does. There's a great article in the Guardian called " Whose Lime is it anyway? How the green ebikes took over our streets" that can be found on the internet detailing the negative impact they've had in London, and how Lime takes no responsibility for any damages caused by those who (mis)use their products.

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