
Monday, August 12, 2024

Letter to the Editor: Statistics are misleading

To the Editor,

In your otherwise excellent August 10 article, "Brookside traffic cameras an "enormous success” says Lake Forest Park mayor despite "messy” bill and mistakes", I was disappointed to see some misleading statistics on race published for a second time. In the piece, the LFP PD are quoted as stating that, "although less than 4% of Lake Forest Park residents are Black, 12% of people who received a traffic ticket in the city were Black" 

As I wrote in my May 28 LTE, comparing those 2 statistics isn't meaningful as an indicator of bias and worse, is actually misleading; the percentage of LFP residents who are Black should be compared with the percentage of Black residents who received tickets.

Gay Armsden
Lake Forest Park


  1. Thank you for sharing this.

    Subtle details and distinction are extremely important in statistics, and it's refreshing to see issues like these pointed out.

  2. thank you for reminding us to take care throwing statistics around


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