Green pavement markings in Kenmore are part of Target Zero to create safer pedestrian and bicycle pathways

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Year after year Kenmore has continued to make rapid progress in expanding their network of dedicated bicycle facilities! 

Green pavement markings indicate areas where bicycle facilities are installed – not all bicycle facilities are marked in green, but areas with special use or areas where traffic complexity increases (e.g. intersections, transit stops) are often marked in green to help draw attention to the areas of the road intended for use by cyclists. 

A lot of green paint has shown up on our roads in recent years, what does it all mean?

Photo courtesy City of Kenmore

Green bike lanes and bike crossings 
Bike lanes are all over Kenmore, but in areas of increased traffic complexity they are marked green to facilitate driver awareness of our shared environment. Whether a bike lane is marked green or not, drivers should always check for cyclists before crossing the bike lane or bike crossing, and a bike lane is never permitted to be used by motor vehicles for parking, turning, or travel except when directed by police or in an emergency such as a vehicle breakdown.

Green bike boxes
Photo courtesy City of Kenmore

Green Bike boxes
Large bike boxes at intersections allow bicycles to queue in front of motor vehicles for increased safety and visibility, and help cyclists make left-turns at the start of the green light. Drivers are required to keep the bike boxes clear when stopped at a red light, and no-right-on-red signing will always accompany bike boxes at an intersection.

Green left turn boxes
Photo courtesy City of Kenmore

Two-stage left-turn box
These left-turn boxes allow cyclists to make a two-stage left turn rather than mixing with motor vehicle traffic, and provide a safe place for cyclists to wait within the intersection between phases when completing a two-stage left turn. It places cyclists in front of queued traffic in order to complete the second stage of the turn with a head-start and from a highly-visible position. Normal intersection signal operation and signing keeps the left-turn box protected from traffic without any additional action needed by drivers.

Target Zero
These improvements are part of the City's Target Zero efforts to create safer pedestrian and bicycle pathways with the goal of achieving zero pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities and serious injuries in Kenmore by 2025.

More information
Read more to learn about these improvements on the City's Streets & Sidewalks webpage, specifically under the Biking in Kenmore section.


Anonymous,  August 24, 2024 at 4:18 PM  

Good on the City of Kenmore for taking action to make streets less hostile places.

Dara August 25, 2024 at 2:24 AM  

Oh wow, I thought they were done earlier - this is more green than I saw that last time. Definitely will have to check this out again! As a bicyclist in Kenmore, I'm all for all this additional infrastructure, it's really great seeing it used, too. (Which it is.)

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