An advance look at the Lynnwood Link

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Train in the station
Photo by Pat Deagen

Pat Deagen and Claudia Meadows rode the rails on Wednesday in a media advance tour of the new Lynnwood Link stations. 

The entire line is called the 1 Line now that the four Lynnwood stations are opening today.

King County Executive Dow Constantine and
Snohomish County Executive Dave Somers.
Photo by Claudia Meadows

Dow Constantine - King County Executive emphasized the Link connection to job centers and regional stadiums. He commented that the Link will improve livability, and help us meet future growth challenges. 

Already, thousands of new housing units have been built near light rail. It will catalyze development and help reduce ambient air pollution.

The train is in the station
Photo by Claudia Meadows

Dave Somers - Snohomish County Executive recalled 31 years ago was the birth of the organization which grew into Sound Transit and now the Link Extension will open within 48 hours. 

Attendees expressed a lot of enthusiasm about being able to ride to a ball game or the Seattle Art Museum or the Symphony and all the city has to offer.

Hummingbird at the Lynnwood station
Photo by Pat Deagen

Each station has original artwork, themed and created by known artists.

Pat, who fought for years to get public restrooms at the Aurora Village Transit Center, naturally checked out the facilities at the light rail stations.

The restrooms are designed to be unlocked remotely
Photo by Pat Deagen

There are two locked restrooms at each of the four new stations. I explored the ones at Lynnwood. There is a button to push and I was connected to a security person in downtown Seattle. I said I was at Lynnwood Station and wanted to enter the restroom. 

"I could not understand the words from the speaker, but shortly the door was unlocked remotely. This is similar to the two restrooms at Northgate Station. There is also a drinking fountain at Lynnwood. . there was a security person on site to open the restrooms for the crowd, making sure there was no waiting."

Inside the car
Photo by Claudia Meadows

Pat noted that the prettiest part of the ride was from north Shoreline to Lynnwood, with its trees and views. 

Photo by Claudia Meadows

Photo by Claudia Meadows

"Between the Shoreline stations the views were often blocked by walls. We did not get to ride from Shoreline south to Northgate. From Northgate south to International District is underground so nothing to see there except for station lights. Then the rail surfaces and is above ground (with the exception of Beacon Hill} to Angle Lake at times rising and falling."

--Diane Hettrick, Pat Deagen


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