Travels with Charlie - not on a hot day!

Monday, July 22, 2024

Too hot, Baby
Photo by Gordon Snyder
All these recent clear days of hot weather have sorta changed my buddy Charlies excited energy to get going on an afternoon walk. 

These hot afternoons he’s just comfortable snoozing in a favorite chair…

I don’t blame him. it’s hot out there and the pavement and paths soak up the heat. 

In the direct sun, it's bad for a dog's bare pads. 

I checked the temperature on the deck boards in the direct sun with an infrared thermometer… 138-140 degrees. Think about that. And it wasn’t even black pavement.

I wouldn’t step barefoot on anything hot like that. 

In the cool of the evening
Photo by Gordon Snyder
Neither should Charlie. He's is a smart guy, so sleeps thru the hot part and gets ready to go do something when evening cools things down.

Then we wandered around our neighborhood… Perfect timing.

Protect your Pet Buddies, Cheers,
Gordon Snyder


Anonymous,  July 22, 2024 at 8:26 AM  

Great reminder! Thanks Charlie and Gordon!

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