Special guests at Echo Lake native plant restoration

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

By Ann Michel

Volunteers are transforming our parks here in Shoreline. 

We had some special guests at our Native Plant Restoration party at Echo Lake Park. Huge thanks to Wendi Valle and her hardworking staff from State Farm Insurance. They are now expert mulch movers! 

And we were thrilled to have Erin Cox with us; she creates beautiful baskets and hats (modeled here) with the leaves and vines of invasive plants. Here she is showing off a huge yellow flagged iris that will become art! We all learned a lot from Erin about her craft and farm. 

We always love our regular volunteers. Echo Lake is beloved far and wide! Here are some of our volunteers from Shoreline, Seattle and from Lake Forest Park, who come together to support Echo Lake. 

Thank you to Erin, Myra, Manuele, Wendi, Nancy and Brendan. Not pictured: Paul, Zach and Edith. 

Many thanks to the Green Shoreline Partnership, which provides plants, tools and support to all the parks in Shoreline.

Would you like to join a work party? Make your local park greener and better prepared for global warming? Come join us! :)

Check this link for a list of all scheduled work parties in Shoreline parks


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