How hot was it?

Monday, July 8, 2024

Edmonds Beach photo by Lee Lageschulte

I checked in with WeatherWatcher Carl Dinse (see his weather report here) to see how hot it was in Shoreline this weekend.

He said that on Saturday, July 6, 2024, the temperature was 90° in his Northridge station in central Shoreline and 84° at his Richmond Beach station.

On Sunday, we hit 94° at Northridge and 88° at Richmond Beach.

At the beach, people were bringing tents and umbrellas to shelter themselves from direct sun, but enjoying the relatively cooler temperatures and breeze off the water.

Just after midnight on Monday, it was 74° in Northridge and 72° in Richmond Beach. Low temperatures will be bottoming out overnight into the mid 60’s so it will not cool down very much.

Monday will be basically a repeat of Sunday with maybe a degree or two warmer at the peak. Tuesday is going to be the hottest day this week, with mid 90’s expected.

Even when the heat advisory expires Tuesday night, we are still going to be pretty warm for the rest of the week, with highs in the upper 70’s to mid 80’s.

--Diane Hettrick with Carl Dinse


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