Build-A-Birdhouse event at the Shoreline Farmers Market July 27, 2024

Monday, July 22, 2024

Build a bird house at the Shoreline Farmers Market Saturday
Photo courtesy IronsBC

Once again, Shoreline's Design + Build company Irons Brothers Construction will help kids build cedar birdhouses at the Kid’s Build-A-Birdhouse Event at the Shoreline Farmers Market Kid's Day on Saturday, July 27, 2024 from 10am - 2pm!

Bring the kiddos to our booth and we’ll provide the tools, materials, and skilled carpenters to help them build their own birdhouse – on us!

Since 2017, IronsBC has been building birdhouses with kids at various Shoreline community events. With help from our entire team and material donations from Dunn Lumber, we have built over 1300 birdhouses! 

This hands-on experience exposes them to manual arts, working side-by-side with an IronsBC carpenter to build a custom home for our feathered friends.

IronsBC is committed to enriching the lives of our community through caring and craftsmanship. We encourage children to engage in the manual arts at an early age. Exposure to carpentry and building in a safe and supervised environment can be fun and educational.

To learn how to build your very own birdhouse at home, please visit our Education Page online for instructions and watch our how-to video!

Info on Shoreline Farmer's Market

Learn more about our Community / Industry Involvement & Impact here


Anonymous,  July 23, 2024 at 8:38 AM  

What about adults without bird house building skills? Can someone help me build a bird house?

I'd also like to learn how to make a bat house.

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