
Friday, July 5, 2024

Allison Reagan named Lake Forest Park Rotarian of the Year

Alan Merry and Allison Reagan
Photo by Robin Roat
Alan Merry, Past President, presented Allison Reagan as Lake Forest Park Rotarian of the year.

"Introducing Allison Reagan as our Rotarian of the year. Allison is the Treasure of our Lake Forest Park Rotary Foundation. She knows everything!"

Alan interviewed Allison to get answers to questions about why she thinks she was selected and what her Rotary story is. (Thank you Alan!)

Her very modest answer as to why she was selected:

"My first awkwardly ungracious inclination is to say, “I don’t know why. We all do so much !” I don’t know the selection criteria for this award, which is done in secret by the Club Board."

"Personally," she said, "I thought Claire Conway should have gotten it for leading the auction and throwing club parties, but she wasn’t eligible because was also busy being president !"

Allison Reagan, LFP Rotarian of the Year
And here is her Rotary story:

“My involvement in Rotary began with a grandfather who belonged to club #1 in Chicago, and after we moved to Arizona, he would take me to the Christmas party.

"In those days, that was one of the rare times women were allowed at Rotary events. (Good thing times have changed !) 

"I was a stay at home mom for our two daughters - coop preschool, PTA, etc - until they graduated, then went to work with my husband in our aluminum boat building business. During that time I also took business math, accounting and law classes.

"After he passed away, I was looking for an opportunity make a difference, and in 2012 Tom French finally got me to join LFP Rotary, where I have made some wonderful friends.

"I have been Club Secretary, Foundation Secretary and became Foundation Treasurer in 2021. Finance is what I do best, and it’s a job I like.

"I also work with the Auction procurement chair in entering guests and donations into the software, and am head cashier on auction night. Our auction is the main fundraiser for the year, and determines our charitable budget.“

Obviously, she is, as Alan says, "a Treasure."

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