Farmers Market closes early because of lightning

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Wild weather shut down outdoor events on Saturday
Photo by Jan Hansen

SFM is closing NOW due to inclement weather and lightning. Thank you to everyone who came out for our second annual  pride celebration

We'll have plenty of goodies to give away for the rest of the month for those who didn't have a chance to celebrate with us

I'm pretty sure that the Edmonds Arts Festival outdoor exhibits went diving for cover as well. That was some wild weather we had!

The first lightning / thunder was dramatic enough, with rain suddenly pouring from the sky as if someone pulled the plug. And then it stopped.

I had an appointment and left the house just as the second strike happened. I swear it was right over my head. I didn't see the lightning but I heard it crack. There was enough time to get to the car before the hail came down, bouncing on the windshield. 

Water was sheeting down the street.

It was altogether too dramatic for my taste.

The blue skies returned. Photo by Jan Hansen

Half an hour late - blue skies.

Planning outdoor events is always a challenge around here. But at least we don't have to water the plants.

--Diane Hettrick


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