
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Travels with Charlie: Our favorite park

Photo by Gordon Snyder

Charlie and I headed to Lake Washington to look and sniff around. At the end of the sidewalk is a bit of a hidden bridge with a great view of Little Creek inlet right next to the boats. 

The Pier in the background is a clue where we are?

Photo by Gordon Snyder

It’s one of our favorite parks to visit.

Walk out on the water at Log Boom Park.

Enjoy some outside time…

Gordon Snyder

Power outage north of UW makes lights blink in Shoreline

At least I assume that's what made my lights blink. The outage was caused by an equipment failure at 2:05am and that's exactly the time my lights blinked.

I worry about our interconnected power grid.

Anyway, over 2000 City Light customers won't have power until 9am.

Downy woodpecker

Downy woodpecker
Photo by Kenneth Berkun

Downy doobie doobie down downy

(Channeling Neil Sedaka)

--Kenneth Berkun

Scene on the Sound: So many people passing by Shoreline

Celebrity Edge passing by Shoreline

Story and photo by Jan Hansen

The Port of Seattle reported that last year’s cruise season hosted 291 cruises with a record 1,778,193 revenue passengers. Passengers are counted both embarking and disembarking, meaning over 907,572 individual passengers visited over a six-month season that began April 15 of last year.

This year's schedule is on a four-page document

I didn't count the number of sailings, but it certainly appears to be more traffic and more passengers on board. Some of the cruises are completely sold out!

Op-Ed: United Way of King County response to U.S. Supreme Court ruling regarding people experiencing homelessness

The United States Supreme Court ruling that people experiencing homelessness can be arrested and fined for sleeping in public places moves our nation backward in being able to resolve the homelessness crisis and places even more burdens and debts on the most vulnerable individuals in our communities.

Punishing people for being unhoused is not a solution to end homelessness and does not address the underlying issues of the crisis. People experiencing homelessness already have nowhere to go – through no fault of their own – and this ruling will exacerbate the problem.

At United Way of King County, we believe in investing in and implementing prevention strategies—currently few and far between—to ensure people don’t fall into homelessness in the first place. We need our national and local governments to invest more to ensure affordable housing is readily available for renters with the lowest income. Our community deserves stronger renter protections and eviction prevention resources to stabilize households during a crisis so they don’t fall into homelessness.

We believe that this ruling will fail to reduce homelessness, requiring an extreme need for resources and funding to make sure further harm is not placed on the unhoused. This ruling does not lead with real solutions or facts.

Data shows that meeting people with individualized immediate access to stable housing and other wrap-around services and case management will lead to housing stability. Rather than leading with an approach to invest in adequate housing, shelter, and financial resources, this ruling punishes unhoused people for being in a vulnerable situation and not having a home.

Further, Black, Indigenous, and people of color experience homelessness at higher rates due to longstanding historical and structural racism, as well as single mothers with children under 18. This ruling, along with raising housing costs and gaps in income levels, will not solve any issues for these populations, which should be prioritized.

Prevention efforts are more important than ever. Our community deserves to ensure that no one is punished or criminalized for being unhoused.

United Way of King County

Continuing Education: Introduction to Mosaic Art

Introduction to Mosaic Art  - classes on Sunday 7/21/24, and 8/4/24
Free parking

Register here

This class offers a comprehensive introduction to mosaic techniques, guiding students through the process of creating their own unique mosaic pieces, whether it be a decorative wall hanging, coaster, candleholder or a vase for the garden. 

Through hands-on practice and expert guidance, participants will unleash their creativity and learn to transform ordinary materials into extraordinary works of art. Supplies included but students can also bring their own tiles upon approval of the instructor. 15+

A program of Shoreline Community College Continuing Education

World War II Veteran Merlin Staatz celebrated his 98th Birthday

98 year young Merlin Staatz
Photo by Doug Cerretti
By Doug Cerretti

WW2 veteran and Shoreline resident Merlin Staatz celebrated his 98th birthday this past Saturday, June 22, 2024. His actual birthday is on Flag Day, June 14. 

Several dozens of Merlin’s family, friends and neighbors attended the Birthday Party. Party guests were well fed and given the envious task of choosing from several different birthday cakes. 

Merlin was born in Woodbine, Kansas in 1926 and enlisted in the US Army in 1944 at age 18. He soon joined the 43rd Infantry Division in the Philippines and was immediately assigned as a scout. 

The joke was that “scouts only last about three days, and then we need to replace them.” 

On Merlin’s second day of patrol as a head scout, he was wounded by a grenade. After recovering from his wounds, Merlin returned to active duty as a scout. 

A choice of birthday cakes
Photo by Doug Cerretti
When WW2 ended, Merlin used the GI bill to obtain a bachelor’s degree at Emporia Teachers Collage and a master’s degree from Pittsburg State College. 

With degrees in hand, Merlin taught industrial arts in schools in Kansas, Oregon and Washington including King’s High School in Shoreline. 

He retired from teaching after 25 years.

Photo by Doug Cerretti

For his service to his country, Merlin received the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart and the Combat Infantry Badge. 

Philippine Liberation Medal
Photo by Doug Cerretti

He was recently awarded the Philippine Liberation Medal from the Philippine government. 

Congressional Gold Medal
Photos by Shelly Staatz

A special honor was bestowed when he received the Congressional Gold Medal as a member of the United States Army Forces in the Far East. In the accompanying letter, Washington Senator Patty Murray said,

 “There is no higher honor Congress can bestow than the Congressional Gold Medal. Since the American Revolution, Congress has commissioned gold medals as its highest expression of national appreciation for distinguished achievements and contributions. 
"With this recognition, know that your sacrifice and service will be remembered for years to come - both here and in the other Washington.” 

Merlin is an active member of the Starr Sutherland, Jr. Post 227 of The American Legion and attends Heroes CafĂ© in Shoreline and Lynnwood. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Brothers

The Brothers
Photo by Jan Hansen

I spent an entire semester of a high school English class staring out the window at The Brothers. The classroom had tall windows with small panes. My desk was in the front row, right in front of the window.

If I positioned myself just right, I could frame The Brothers in one of the small panes - my own private art piece.

It was a slightly different - and closer - view than this one. The Brothers were the most prominent mountains from my part of Puget Sound.

The English class was boring but the mountains were beautiful and it still makes me happy to see them.

--Diane Hettrick

Firefighter Rebekah Pomeroy retires after a 32 year career

Firefighter Rebekah Pomeroy
RETIREMENT: Today, Firefighter Rebekah Pomeroy will work her last shift after a 32-year career in the fire service. 

As a third-generation public servant, Rebekah has completed 24 1/2 years with Shoreline Fire Department. 

Rebekah started her fire service career with King County Fire District 44 in 1992. She served the City of Yakima Fire Department in 1993 and moved to City of Pasco Fire Department in 1994 where she served in an exemplary manner. 

She was hired as a Lateral Firefighter with Shoreline Fire Department on January 18, 2000. Rebekah’s dedication to helping others is apparent not only in her work in Shoreline, but also through her time spent off duty volunteering at Fire camps and fire training programs throughout the region. 

She is a long-time volunteer at Camp Blaze, where she has shared her passion and fire service skills, mentoring many young women as they prepare for careers in the fire service. 
Rebekah has also spent 14 summers selflessly donating her time at Camp Phoenix for the Burned Children Recovery Foundation, helping young burn survivors from around the United States. 

Her involvement in these camps is inspiring and has life-long positive impacts on the participants. Thank you for your service to our community and department. Best wishes in retirement Rebekah…your passion and dedication will be missed!

LFP Mayor: Reminder – Speed Zone Cameras Active on NE 178th Street

LFP Mayor Tom French
The Lake Forest Park City Council has approved two new speed zone cameras for NE 178th Street near Brookside Elementary School. This action continues the city’s commitment to increase pedestrian and multimodal safety, especially near schools.

In a cost-saving measure, existing school zone cameras were reconfigured to work at all times, enforcing the posted 25 mph speed limit. Once school resumes in September, the speed limit monitored by these cameras will continue to be 20 mph during school times (when the warning light is flashing) and 25 mph at all other times.

From data collected from the school zone cameras, the city knows that those cameras are effective at getting drivers to reduce their vehicle’s speeds in that area: re-offenders accounted for only 9% of the issued citations.

These two cameras began recording speeds on June 3, 2024, with warnings being provided to speeding motorists. Warnings will continue to be provided until July 15, 2024, when citations will start being issued.

Please, give our students and other residents on foot, bicycle or scooter a break and slow down.

- Mayor Tom French, Lake Forest Park

Bloodworks NW at LFP Town Center on Friday July 5, 2024

Bloodworks Northwest bloodmobile will be at Town Center at Lake Forest Park on July 5th! Make a difference and schedule your appointment to donate blood at

Shoreline Planning Commission Meeting Thursday, June 6, 2024

L-R: Christopher Mosier (behind), Julie Povick, Bradley Cabe, Leslie Brinson, Mei-shiou Lin, Lauren Hadley, and Colt Fry

By Pam Cross

The Shoreline Planning Commission Meeting Thursday, June 6, 2024 was held in the Council Chamber using a hybrid format where both in-person and online attendance is allowed.

The Commissioners are Christopher Mosier (absent), Leslie Brinson (absent), ,Julie Povick, Bradley Cabe, Mei-shiou Lin, and Colt Fry (absent)

This was an update to the 2024 Comprehensive Plan - Middle Housing discussion of the following issues from House Bill 1110:
  • Tier Options
  • Alternative Compliance
  • Draft Land Use Maps
Staff Presentation by
  • Andrew Bauer, Planning Director
  • Elise Keim, Planning Manager
  • Steve Szafran, Senior Planner
  • Emily Larson, Otak

Otak, Inc. is an award-winning urban design, architecture, planning and engineering firm. They are involved in the Ronald Bog Basin Study and The Shoreline Interurban Trail.



At the Planning Commission meeting of May 20, 2024 it was stated that Shoreline’s population of approximately 61,120 designates it as Tier 2. The Commission discussed whether the city should move to a Tier 1 designation now in order to avoid having to change everything as our city continues to grow.

Staff recommended staying with Tier 2 for a variety of reasons including anticipated time to reach Tier 1 status (estimated 12 years), and allowing more time to scale up the city infrastructure.

TIER 2.5
At this June 6th meeting, a Tier 2.5 was added for discussion purposes.

The change from Tier 2 to Tier 2.5 affects significantly more areas of Shoreline.

Additionally, 2.5 adds “High Activity Areas” and an associated 1/4 mile buffer. High Activity areas include commercial centers or nodes with grocery stores, restaurants, and/or retail. Civic facilities such as a library or post office would also be included.

The attachments mentioned in the chart are part of the Staff Report.

HB1110 - Standard or Alternative Compliance

In addition to the new base requirement for middle housing, Alternative Compliance options are available.

Risk of Displacement

The staff report defines Displacement as when a household is forced or pressured to move due to reasons beyond the householder’s control.
  • Physical: demolition, eviction, natural disaster
  • Economic: rising rents or property taxes
  • Cultural: cultural institutions/communities leave
Staff recommended exempting lots subject to sea level rise and flood hazards.

Other critical areas will be protected with regulations. And higher displacement risk can be addressed through policy and implementation. Additional details are included in the staff report.


The new land use designations will also become the zoning designations eliminating the confusion when trying to comply with both zoning and land use.

This is a work in progress. While it was stated that current R-4 and R-6 would be changed to NR3 (Neighborhood Residential 3), there are lots currently zoned R-4 or R-6 that meeting criteria to move to N2 would be changed to N2 which is more intense than NR3 with higher building heights, more allowed types of housing, and some small commercial.

It’s important to keep in mind that R-4, which was based on population, has less density than R-6 or R-18. The number gets higher as density increases.

But NR1 is “the most intense neighborhood residential zone where building heights may exceed three stories, with more types of commercial.” (Staff report)

The number gets lower as density increases.

The only speaker at public comment was Jonathan Lounds, representing the Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties. He stated the MBA prefers changing to Tier 1. The MBA appreciates Tier 2.5 being considered but suggests allowing 6 units per lot within a 1/2 block of major transit, and 6 units per lot within 1/4 mile of a high activity area.


The scope of housing in comprehensive plans has expanded dramatically. It’s no longer just about the number of units, but a deeper analysis to address people's needs and incomes. Shoreline will be looking into an affordable housing plan, including planning, funding and budget.


Residents have stated they would like more shopping and dining opportunities in Shoreline.

Other topics briefly touched on included 
  • auto-dependent uses such as drive throughs. Can this be done on a policy level? They will have to talk to the business community. Drive-throughs are a salvation to parents
  • The large number of lots under Homeowners Associations control. Many of them appear to limit middle housing. The City may have to work with HOAs to include middle housing opportunities


The houses of “baby boomers” will be hitting the market in the next 20 or so years. This needs to be a consideration in our discussions.

If we are ahead already of where we need to be, should we be even farther ahead?

It’s hard to visualize 4 units per parcel without stacking units. R-6 allowed 6 units per parcel (acre). Now we are talking per “lot”.

What does this mean now? 6 “units” or 6 “houses”? Per acre? Per lot?

Shoreline has a lot of smaller units. Family housing is in short supply. Should we continue this way?

Displacement is important to address. Owners of property are unable to stay there. Who are these high risk people?

Affordable housing in Shoreline. Is it really affordable? I reached out to all affordable housing in Shoreline as a potential renter. I had several persistent responses over a month. There appear to be vacancy issues. We need to consider affordability before we build even more “affordable” housing. We have a lot of vacancies in Shoreline. It is worth looking into

Planning Commissioners favored Tier 2.5

Donate Land. Build Hope.

Compass Housing Alliance has introduced a new initiative: Donate Land. Build Hope.

This transformative program invites you to become an agent of change by donating land to Compass Housing Alliance. 

Your generous contribution can help us create affordable housing, enhanced emergency shelters, and a foundation of stability and hope for those trying to find a path home. 

By donating land, you have the power to transform lives. More than that, however, your gift will help build a community of hope and support for those experiencing homelessness and housing instability.

Please reach out to our dedicated team at to discuss your land donation and make a lasting impact today.


Wildfire season has begun

Current wildfires in Washington
The Slide Ranch fire burning within the Yakama Reservation has claimed 16 homes and scorched over 3,000 acres. 

The Pioneer fire in Chelan County has burned over 4,000 acres. 

They are the first destructive wildfires of the season, but they’re unlikely to be the last. 

The state Department of Natural Resources maintains a map of all active wildfires within the state. 

The Washington Smoke Blog charts smoke conditions statewide and reports related air quality hazards.

July author events at Third Place Books

Photo by Steven H. Robinson
Third Place Books 
Lake Forest Park
July 2024 EVENTS
Unless ticketed, events are free and open to the public. See for details. 
For free events, RSVP is strongly encouraged.
() – denotes ticketed event
() – denotes event for children or middle grade readers
Monday, July 8 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Stephen Crowe
The Page of Cups
[SOLD OUT!] Wednesday, July 10 at 6pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Lauren Roberts
Monday, July 15 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Beth Hetland
Tender: A Graphic Novel
Tuesday, July 16 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Paolo Bacigalupi
Navola: A novel
Wednesday, July 17 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Amy Stewart
The Tree Collectors: Tales of Arboreal Obsession 
Thursday, July 25 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Ann Powers with Claire Dederer
Traveling: On the Path of Joni Mitchell 
Tuesday, July 30 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
LFP Reads Presents: Claire Dederer
Co-sponsored by the King County Library System
Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma
Wednesday, July 31 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Chuck Tingle
Bury Your Gays
Thursday, August 1 at 7pm (Third Place Books Lake Forest Park)
Deborah Harkness
The Black Bird Oracle: A Novel

Friday, June 28, 2024

Ducklings are topheavy

Photo by Kristine Tsujikawa

Kristine Tsujikawa was watching a mama duck and her ducklings at Green Lake when one of the baby ducks tipped over and was floating feet up in the water.

Photo by Kristine Tsujikawa

The mama duck immediately raced over and righted her baby - more or less as it is now floating on its side!

Kelly Kinnison, Ph.D. named new permanent CEO of KCRHA

Kelly Kinnisn, Ph.D.
CEO King County Regional Homeless Authority
Kelly Kinnison, Ph.D., has been selected to lead the King County Regional Homelessness Authority. 

Dr. Kinnison’s appointment as Chief Executive Officer by the Governing Committee and Implementation Board comes after a thorough and thoughtful search process conducted by the firm Nonprofit Professionals Advisory Group (NPAG). 

They collaborated closely with the CEO Search Committee, which included members from our Boards, community, and KCRHA staff.

Dr. Kinnison, expressing her deep commitment to the cause, shared she’s honored to receive the confirmation and added, 
“There are challenges ahead, but I am confident that given the resources and goodwill in the King County region we can make significant progress together.” 

She begins August 1.

Dr. Kinnison is a senior leader with 15 years of federal social services policy experience. She’s wrapping up her position as the Director of Family and Community Policy at the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). 

She’s successfully led and coordinated major projects on lived experience and HHS’ Equity Technical Assistance Center, which aims to improve the coordination and integration of social services. Partnership, collaboration, and consultation is standard practice in her work.

Dr. Kinnison joined HHS from the Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service, where she served as a Branch Chief of a team conducting research and analysis on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Before working for the federal government, she was an evaluation consultant for community organizations working on violence prevention and mentoring. 

Dr. Kinnison holds a Ph.D. in community psychology from the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Asthma in children - causes and support

Asthma is not just a health condition– it’s a life-altering experience for children. 

Symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and breathlessness can limit their ability to play, exercise, and participate in school. 

Severe attacks may even require emergency care, adding stress to family life. 

Your support can make a difference in these children’s lives.
Causes and Triggers of Asthma in Children 
  • Allergens: Pollen, dust mites, pet dander, mold, and cockroach droppings.
  • Respiratory infections: Viruses like the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
  • Air pollution: Smoke, vehicle emissions, and industrial pollutants, especially near busy roads or airports.
  • Environmental factors: Poor air quality, secondhand smoke, and exposure to certain chemicals.
  • Weather conditions: Cold air, weather changes, and high humidity.
  • Exercise: Sometimes triggers asthma in cold, dry air.
  • Emotions: Stress, anxiety, laughter, or crying.
  • Occupational Exposures: Substances parents accidentally bring home from work on their clothes or skin.
Empowering Parents and Caregivers in Asthma Management

Understanding these triggers is not just important; It’s crucial for children’s health. When you can identify the factors that can set off asthma in your child, you can take proactive steps to manage their condition, improve their health, and enhance their quality of life.

Local Support for Asthmatic Children

To help children ages 6 to 12 with asthma address these triggers, Public Health Seattle & King County partners with community organizations to expand the King County Community Health Worker Program, focusing on areas near SeaTac airport with higher asthma rates. 

Partners like the African Community Housing and Development, Cultivate South Park, and the Lutheran Community Services Northwest offer: 
  • Home environment assessments.
  • Comprehensive education.
  • Goal-setting support.
  • Supplies to reduce asthma triggers (HEPA filters, mattress covers, green cleaning kits).
We invite you to visit the King County Community Health Worker Program for program referrals. They will guide you through the process, help you understand the available programs, and assist you in choosing the one that best suits your child’s needs.

The Asthma Program is supported with funding from Washington’s Climate Commitment Act. The CCA supports Washington’s climate action efforts by putting cap-and-invest dollars to work reducing climate pollution, creating jobs, and improving public health. Information about the CCA is available here

Join us for the 2nd Annual "Best in Shoreline" Pet Show July 13, 2024

Mark your calendars! On Saturday, July 13, 2024, from 3 - 5pm, the Parkwood Neighborhood Association will host the second annual pet show, "Best in Shoreline," and ALL Shoreline residents are invited to participate!

Bring your dog, cat, or other beloved pet and register them in our exciting contest. There will be awards and prizes for the winners!

Our esteemed judges include local community members and Shoreline City Council Member John Ramsdell.

Event Details:
Date: Saturday, July 13, 2024
Time: 3 - 5pm
Location: Twin Ponds Park, 16501 1st Ave NE, Shoreline WA 98133

  • 3pm: Activities start with free popsicles and fun for kids.
  • Followed by the pet show on the green space between the playground and the soccer field.
  • Picnic tables are limited at the park, so bring a picnic blanket or lawn chairs to enjoy the festivities comfortably.
Preregister your pet contestants here

Bring the whole family, including your furry friends, and let's celebrate the wonderful pets of Parkwood and the greater Shoreline area!

Local student graduates from Goshen College in Indiana

GOSHEN, Ind. (June 27, 2024) - Goshen College recently recognized 182 graduates as a part of the Class of 2024 during its commencement ceremony on April 28, 2024.

This was the 126th Goshen College Commencement Ceremony and the message was delivered by Glen Guyton, executive director of Mennonite Church USA.


Seattle, Wash.

Saige Alexandra Lind, Undergraduate

Goshen College is a private Mennonite liberal arts college in Goshen, Indiana. It was founded in 1894 as the Elkhart Institute of Science, Industry and the Arts, and is affiliated with Mennonite Church USA. The college is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and has an enrollment of 824 students

Protect your pet this Fourth of July holiday

After the 4th of July 2022, Zoe wandered for two
 days but couldn't find her way back home.
Photo by owner Ethan
It's no secret that more pets go missing around the Fourth of July than any other time of the year. 

The bangs, booms, and pops of fireworks can be quite scary for our furry friends, and they scamper off in search of a good hiding place.

In 2022, a Ridgecrest dog named Zoe bolted when the fireworks started and spent the next two days wandering near 185th on both sides of the freeway. (See article)

Her owners searched extensively, following all the sightings and happily found her hiding in a back yard by North City Park.

To help your pet cope with the noise from fireworks, and reduce the chances that it runs away, Regional Animal Services of King County (RASKC) offers these tips.
  • Keep your pet secured indoors in the quietest room of your home while fireworks are going off. You can also use soothing music or television as a distraction. Some pets will stay calmer when placed in a secure crate in a darkened, quiet room.
  • If your pet is normally kept outside, bring them inside or put them in a well-ventilated garage or shed or in a basement during fireworks displays.
  • Make sure your pet is licensed and has an ID tag or microchip. Pets with ID have a much greater chance of being returned to their owners. If you need to license your pet and you live in the RASKC service area, you can license online.
  • Some pets may benefit from prescription or over-the-counter medications to help keep them calmer. Check with your regular veterinarian for more information about these options.
  • Don’t assume that your pet won’t react just because you haven’t had problems in the past. Sometimes, pets become sensitive to loud noises later in life.
  • If your pet is lost, check in person at all local shelters, and check back often. It may take some time before spooked pets are brought to shelters.
Help for Owners with Missing Pets from RASKC

Owners whose pets are missing can visit to fill out a missing pet report and find other tips and information that can help. There is also a "View Found Pets" button on that page where owners can see information about stray pets that have been picked up by animal control officers or community members.

For those who find stray pets wandering in their neighborhood, visit to complete a found pet report and read tips on how to reunite a stray pet with their owner.

RASKC is in south King county, so the chance that your missing pet is there are fairly slim.

Both Shoreline and Lake Forest Park contract with PAWS in Lynnwood. They take in strays from Edmonds, Kenmore, Mountlake Terrace, Mukilteo, and Woodinville, as well.

They have a web page with photos of strays in custody, a place to file a missing animal report and other resources.

Rotary Club of Lake Forest Park has new president and new members

Charlie Webber, President LFP Rotary

Charlie Webber is the new President of the Rotary Club of Lake Forest Park
"Our club is in good hands."

From left: Hunt Norris, Robin Roat-Hunt, Ashton McCartney, Josh McCartney

Hunt Norris and Josh McCartney were inducted into the Rotary Club of Lake Forest Park at the end of year celebration at the Civic Club.

Farmers markets on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday

Kenmore farmers market is held every Wednesday evening during June, July, and August

Dates: Wednesdays evenings, June- August
Time: 3:00pm -7:00pm
Location: 6728 NE 181st Street, Kenmore, WA 98028
  • Kenmore City Hall, surrounding streets, and Kenmore Park and Ride (1/3 mile walk to market)
ADA Parking:
  • *3 spaces - City Hall parking garage
  • *3 spaces - Town Square parking lot
  • *3 spaces - on 67th Ave NE west of Chase Bank
NOTE: NE 181st St between 67th Ave NE and 68th Ave NE will be blocked off for the event

Other local markets:

Kenmore outdoor movies in the Square

Kenmore's Movie in the Square is very popular
Photo courtesy City of Kenmore

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Argosy Cruises for summer big events

With the 4th of July and Seafair just around the corner, cruises are a perfect way to enjoy summer events in comfort.

Photo courtesy Argost Cruises

The 4th of July Fireworks Cruises offer spectacular views from unbeatable vantage points on Lake Union. Guests can celebrate in a festive atmosphere with music and dancing and they’ll also enjoy delicious local food, beverages, and fun cocktails.

Photo courtesy Argosy Cruises
For Seafair Cruises, guests can watch the Blue Angels perform their amazing stunts from prime viewing spots on the water. These cruises are ideal for a family day out, providing a thrilling and fun experience for all ages. 

Argosy Cruises is sending out three separate boats for Seafair this year, the most they’ve ever had! It will be an amazing experience that you won’t want to miss.

Argosy Cruises has been a part of Seattle’s maritime tradition for over 75 years, and these events are among Argosy’s most popular. 

Celebrate the Forest - Saturday June 29, 2024

On Saturday, June 29, 2024, at the Shoreline Historical Museum, you might feel the earth move under your feet! 

Not due to a Carole King concert, or an earthquake, but from a performance from two drumming groups: Seattle Kokon Taiko and Just Humanitarian Project (JHP) Legacy.

Bring a blanket and picnic or get a meal from the Paparepas food truck, or a dessert from Sweet Dream Bakes. There will be several information booths and fun activities for kids and adults, as well as docent tours through the Miyawaki Urban Forest and the museum exhibit building. 

The museum is celebrating the Miyawaki Urban Forest's first summer and our community that gives energy to its growth.

The free event begins at 5pm and is open to the public. At 6pm, the performance of two amazing drumming groups will begin - Seattle Kokon Taiko (SKT) and JHP Legacy.

Seattle Kokon Taiko

Seattle Kokon Taiko
(SKT) is Washington's first performing taiko ensemble. Taiko is a dynamic synthesis of rhythm, movement and spirit originating in Japan and evolving as a folk art over the last several hundred years. 

According to Seattle Kokon Taiko, 

"We try to combine the ancient with the modern; our repertoire is a mix of traditional pieces and contemporary compositions." 
SKT is based in the local Japanese American community. 
"Through taiko, we hope to contribute to the development of a uniquely Japanese American art form – Japanese in origin, American in expression – that weaves threads of continuity between generations and builds bridges of understanding among people of all nationalities and walks of life," said SKT.

JHP Legacy

JHP Legacy
is an arts organization based in Shoreline that provides culturally unique performances through dance and music.

"We are thrilled to perform 'Fume Fume,' a traditional musical piece created by the Ga people of Accra, Ghana. It is performed to ask God's blessings on mankind," according to Eben Pobee.

Secondly, JHP will perform Kpanlogo, a traditional drum/dance piece that emerged among the Gas in the 1960s, shortly after Ghana's independence in 1957. It was created and performed by the young people as a form of entertainment and for the purpose of socialization after a hard day's work.

When asked what else they would play, Pobee said, "Our third piece is ?? Give it a guess. You will have to be there to experience it!"

For more information click here.