
Sunday, May 12, 2024

Upcoming Shoreline city council agenda items to keep an eye on

Back row L-R: Councilmembers John Ramsdell, Betsy Robertson, Annette Ademasu,
Eben Pobee, Keith Scully. Front row from left: Mayor Chris Roberts, Deputy Mayor Laura Mork

By Oliver Moffat

Admittedly, not everyone looks forward with anticipation for Monday nights at Shoreline city hall but for those who do, the council has a thrilling list of upcoming agenda topics buried within the usual laundry list of snoozers.

  1. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, should Shoreline build sidewalks and bike lanes to undo a century of building roads for cars and trucks ?
  2. Or is it better to preserve significant trees to reduce urban heat islands and sequester CO2?
  3. Should the city’s major streets be welcoming and safe for transit riders, children walking to school, pedestrians and bicyclists?
Answering these questions (and more) is the job of Shoreline’s city council over the next five weeks.

On May 13, 2024 the council will review progress on Shoreline’s Climate Action Plan which calls for reducing emissions, enhancing ecosystem health and sequestration, and increasing community resilience and preparedness. How much progress has been made and what tangible steps will the city make in the coming years?

On May 20, the council will vote on adoption of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan which will impact everyone in the growing region. The city wants to roll out Scooter and Bike Sharing and the council will review that plan. The Natural Environment, Shoreline Master Program and Transportation sections of the Comprehensive Plan are also on the agenda.

On June 3, the 175th street project will be back on the agenda for discussion and council members Eben Pobee and Annette Ademasu are hosting a presentation from Save Shoreline Trees. A report from the King County Regional Homelessness Authority will also be reviewed.

On June 10, the much anticipated (and overdue) Annual Traffic Report will be reviewed and Traffic Enforcement Cameras will be discussed. In the past, the council has chosen to not install speed cameras but will the new traffic safety data change their minds? The council will vote on whether our roads should also have Scooters and Bicycle Shares?

On June 24 before the council adjourns for their summer vacation, the Commute Trip Reduction Plan will be reviewed.

The Shoreline city council meets at 7pm on Mondays at city hall and online and the council welcomes public comments via email, online or in person.

Mark your calendars and write those emails!


  1. Looks like Shoreline is willing to bet the farm on people taking public transit. Likely not a safe bet. People move to Shoreline to get out of Seattle for a reason.

  2. The Lorax will be there!


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