
Thursday, May 2, 2024

No Racing Zone: Automated speed safety cameras to monitor a section of NE 178th Street in LFP

The yellow line shows the "No Racing Zone" on NE 178th St in LFP
The large building in the center is Brookside Elementary 

On December 14, 2023, the Lake Forest Park city council adopted Ordinance 23-1284, designating NE 178th Street from 25th Avenue NE to State Route 104 as a “No Racing Zone” within Lake Forest Park.

This measure was taken to enhance the safety and security of the community.

New signs along NE 178th St
Photo by Laci Graciano
Following months of deliberation and identifying safety improvements on NE 178th Street as one of the council’s top ten goals during a March 2024 Council Retreat, the city council adopted Resolution 24-1952 at a special meeting on April 30, 2024.

This resolution authorizes automated speed safety cameras to monitor a section of NE 178th Street for speed violations. The section to be monitored is the same stretch that is currently monitored for speed violations during school hours, identified by the yellow dashed line on the image.

This section of NE 178th Street is currently operating to measure for speeds exceeding 20 mph when children are present during school hours or when warning flashers are active.

Beginning June 2, 2024, these same cameras will begin measuring for speeds exceeding the posted 25 mph speed limit at all other times of the day. The city will be issuing warnings for the first 30 days of operation. After the 30-day warning period, speed violation citations will start being issued.  


  1. So - someone going 27mpg in a 25mph zone They deserve a ticket?

    And, good job giving us a total of one day's notice before you took action. But, I guess you already decided at your retreat. Why even bother with a legislative process?

  2. If there is a zone for no racing, does that mean we can race anywhere else?
    Why isn't there a king county-wide no racing zone? Or all Public roads in the USA?

  3. I hope every last motorist flagged for driving a safe 31 mph in a 25 floods LFP's court system when they turn on the cameras.

  4. This is nothing more then a money making venture in the name of public saftey.

  5. Right? Was anyone racing here to begin with? Never heard or seen anyone racing....ridiculous

  6. I drive this road 10 times a week... there surely aren't people racing thru this school zone, but guess I'll be changing my commute to avoid such a silly penalty for going just a few MPH over the speed limit, even unintentionally.

  7. I have looked at the Transpo Group report done for the City Council and done the math. The odds of a vehicle or person walking or driving on 178th Street being in an accident in any given year is no more than those individuals being hit by lightning in their lifetime. I am sorry to say that this is not a real safety problem but an imagined problem.

  8. Nobody races on that road, this is just a cash grab.

  9. Is this "No Racing" zone being set up in anticipation of more local traffic using 178th when construction starts for the roundabout on Ballinger Way/104 at 40th Place? We don't know when that will be, but 2024 was mentioned, and that area has been surveyed recently, and staked. If one of the detours is on 178th, a No Racing Zone there will bring in a lot of money.

  10. Make up and baseless findings by the city council.

    To designate a "no race zone" the City Council would / should have been required to made a finding that (per LFP Municipal Code - 9.35.050(A) defining a no race zone) that each area designated as a "no race zone" must (in part) be "frequented by illegal racers and those who attend illegal race events.".

    This finding was either not made or if it did it was baseless, at least for 178th.

    The city council is just dishonest on this issue, and really has destroyed any credibility it might have had on this.

    They also timed the adoption of the new traffic camera and time period so they could retain more money for general fund uses. They are addicted to the revenue and are happy to lie/rationalize their way into it as opposed to actual governing.

    LFP Municipal Code - 9.35.050(A)
    A. Certain areas of the city are designated and identified as “no racing zones.” These zones are frequented by illegal racers and those who attend illegal race events because of their characteristics, such as straight, wide, long, and with low traffic volumes during nighttime hours.


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