
Thursday, May 2, 2024

New skyline at Ronald Bog

Photo by Sam Hansen

Thank you to Meridian Park resident Sam Hansen who took this photo and tipped us about the fall of the "eagle tree" into Ronald Bog.

The tree, with yellow leaves, is center in the photo.

Martin de Grazia followed up with an article about the tree Favorite Tree: "Eagle tree" falls at Ronald Bog


  1. Eaglel tree may have fallen, but it's not the end of its useful life. Fallen trees, I assume here as in Michigan (we're transplants) provide vital safe habitat for all sorts of water creatures, especially the youngsters. Let's hope the powers that be let it be.

  2. I give up I don't see a tree in the middle of the photo.

  3. Just: it's dead center in the photo, the long strip of yellow in the water


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