
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Letter to the Editor: Lots of people run red lights at N 175th and Meridian

To the Editor:

We love your news articles, they are SO interesting. We read through some recent articles. We were surprised to see that a dog was able to help locate illegal drugs, and we liked the information about secret gardens. You have great pictures of our local area.

We were excited to see the May 5 article about the intersection of N 175th St and Meridian Ave N. (Every child should be able to walk to school without fear)

We are fourth graders at Meridian Park Elementary. One of our dads notices lots of people running red lights at that intersection. We are training to become patrols to help keep students safe. Running red lights and safety patrols might be good topics for articles.

P.S. Can you also please write about Taylor Swift? 

Sincerely, Gracie and Evelyn 
Girl Scout Troop 41974


  1. Another vote to close the school there!

  2. What a wonderful letter! Perhaps Gracie and Evelyn could write a review of Taylor Swift's latest album for us!

  3. Some of this has to do with people inconvenienced by the state forcing roundabouts at the I-5/145th intersection. Commutes have ballooned.

    Some of this has to do with the broader rise in antisocial behaviors which coincided with our state lawmakers undermining policing several years ago.

    And some of this has to do with an intersection that is overly restrictive. Sight lines on 175th are over 1/4 mile both east and west. There's no good reason that left turns from 175th to Meridian should not have a flashing yellow arrow during green lights, allowing drivers to make turns while yielding to oncoming traffic and pedestrians. Yet inexplicably the city prohibits these turns, forcing people to sit through the entire light cycle instead of making a safe left on solid green. Bad rules encourage people to break them.


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