
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

185th Roundabout is open

 Ready to try your luck?

The new roundabout on 185th by the Shoreline/North transit station is open to traffic.

Thanks to Johanna Polit for risking life and limb to get these shots.


  1. didn't know this great blog was a roundabout denier. "Try your luck?" "Risk life and limb?" Roundabouts are a traffic *upgrade* and improve safety. The biggest threat to safety at roundabouts is drivers that are unfamiliar with their operation, since they are relatively rare in the US. Maybe we can try to educate with this blog?

  2. This great blog has as sense of humor...but putting /s on a post is not professional, so we are left to interpret. I can assure you this article is not by a "roundabout denier." Also, pedestrians (like the photographer) *are* currently risking life and limb at that intersection, since lights are not yet functional, signage is new, and the reconstructed intersection takes time for drivers and walkers alike to get used to. I walk through there a lot...I think it will get better with time, but walking through there has been a "life and limb" risk for the past couple of years! :D (Please note smiley face.) For the education you suggest, please see this recent, relevant, and timely post:

  3. Green up the center of that circle please

  4. Tight, very tight.


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