In the Garden Now: Giant Butterbur

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Giant Butterbur (Petasites japonicus)
Photo by Victoria Gilleland
By Victoria Gilleland

We're always eager to see that first perennial flower appear in our gardens at the start of the new year. One of our earliest bloomers is Butterbur. 

Flowers are 10-16 inch high and appear as early as the first of January depending on weather. This year the first blossoms were emerging by mid-January in spite of the cold streak we were experiencing. Flowers often last for 10 weeks or more.

Giant Butterbur and friends
Photo by Victoria Gilleland
Our Butterbur is growing among sword ferns, native bleeding heart and other shade loving perennials, shrubs and trees on the shady perimeter of our garden. 

The soil has been amended with composted arborists chips which helps with moisture retention.

The daisy flower spikes are short but fragrant. Leaves follow the flowers and are huge... often 3 feet or more in diameter.

This plant is a showstopper! If you're looking for a unique addition to a shady spot in your garden this could be it.

(Petasites japonicus)


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