Buy Tickets nowAmid the shade of old-growth trees and the sunny ridges of its watershed, Lake Forest Park residents incorporate all-weather sculptures, and create havens for chickens, honey bees, children's fairy gardens, native salmon alevin and campfire musicians.
Six private LFP gardens will be open to public view on June 15, 2024 at the 20th Annual Secret Gardens of Lake Forest Park Garden Tour. These properties provide solace and recreation and are cultivated by gifted amateurs and professionals.
They have much to teach novice and seasoned gardeners -- "I love going to the Secret Gardens of Lake Forest Park," says local resident, Sadie, "“I always get inspiration for new ideas that I want to incorporate into my own yard.”
Detail from one of the Secret Gardens |
Maps to the gardens may be bought in exchange for a tour ticket and picked up at the Garden Market, in the LFP Town Center, on the same date.
Show up at the lower level of the main building from 9am - 3pm, get your map and answers to nettlesome questions from attending WSU Master Gardeners.
Also available are folks from the Lake Forest Park Stewardship Foundation, who’ll explain how the neighborhood has managed to preserve the foundational aspects of the city: its forest, parks, and water.
Consult and purchase garden-related services and goods: landscape professionals, specialty nursery stock, floral bouquets, and handcrafted all-weather art, including glass, stone, and metal work. Then, go explore those gardens!
Gardens can be viewed in any order you choose. Parking will be adjacent and free, and you may hear the sound of live music as you approach.
Consult the garden owner, or you might overhear the sage observations of members of the Lake Forest Park Garden Club, the 100-yr. old association of neighborhood horticulturists.
While exact details of these gardens are still a mystery, they’re reputed to vary in size (up to a shy acre), and include open meadows, trees of national registry significance, stone work, kitchen gardens, and of course, the native creeks that define the city.
Secret Gardens of Lake Forest Park Garden Tour and Garden Market, Saturday, June 15, 2024, 9am - 3pm
- Lake Forest Park Stewardship Foundation
- Third Place Commons
- ShoreLake Arts
- Lake Forest Park Garden Club
Buy Tickets online starting early May ($20 in advance, $25 day of) or at:
The free LFP Garden Market is located in the lower lobby of LFP Town Center |
LFP Garden Market
Tour maps to the garden tour can be picked up at the check-in table at LFP Garden Market
Admission to the Garden Market is free
Saturday, June 15, 2024, 9am to 3pm
Lower level of the Lake Forest Park
Town Center 17171 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest Park, 98155 (intersection of Bothell Way NE/SR-522 & Ballinger Way NE/SR-104)
Find: professional advice, local environmental and natural resource agencies
Purchase: Secret Garden Tour maps, potted native and cultivated plants, cut flowers, garden art, garden-related crafts,