Old tires dumped at Grace Cole Park Wednesday night - do you know anything about it?

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Old tires were dumped at the park entrance, in front of the "No Dumping" sign
Photo courtesy Kim Josund

By Kim Josund

Someone illegally dumped a truckload of old tires at Grace Cole Nature Park in Lake Forest Park (16735 30th Ave NE) late Wednesday night, January 31, 2024. 

The tires were reported by park neighbors early the morning of February 1st. There are estimated to be 50-100 tires dumped. This is not just an illegal eyesore; it is an environmental hazard. Some of the tires landed in the wetland area which drains to salmon-bearing Brookside Creek and eventually to McAleer and Lake Washington.

This illegal dumping was reported to the LFP Police, and the City Public Works Department is working to clean up the mess. 

If you live in the area, have security camera footage or saw anything possibly related to this incident, please call the LFP Police 206-364-8216.

Old tires contain chemicals, including known carcinogens and salmon killing 6-PPD- quinone, and heavy metals that leach into the environment as the tires break down. 

Leaching affects the soil around the old tire, which at first may not seem like a big problem. But even after the tire is moved, the soil could still contain toxins. If toxins get into any water in the soil, the water can transport them to other locations, potentially harm to any animals that come in contact with the poisoned water.

Recycling tires can help harmful chemicals stay out of the earth, water, and air. When you are ready to get rid of your old tires, make sure they get recycled. 
If you get your tires replaced, ask the mechanic what they plan on doing with the old tires. Reputable mechanics and tire shops properly dispose of tires at regulated recycling facilities.

Obviously, someone wasn’t willing to pay the fee to dispose of these tires in the right way, and this shifts the burden to our city to pay for clean-up and disposal.


Anonymous,  February 3, 2024 at 2:54 PM  

Not sure where this was in LFP, but there’s a tire shop on 145th and 99 that piles tires like these until they basically spill into the street. They used to have them fully removed but lately the pile sometimes gets smaller instead (partial removal). May be worth looking into but I don’t have any more information than that.

Anonymous,  February 5, 2024 at 9:12 PM  

Source tax! we need one on everything we purchase so the return/recycle/dump fee is already paid in advance - and it if keeps you from buying more individual bottles of water in plastic when we have nature's goodness flowing from our taps that would be an added benefit.

Anonymous,  February 13, 2024 at 7:48 AM  

Yesterday I noticed yet another load of illegally dumped tires along Bothell Way east of 5330 Bothell Way NE on the North side of Bothell Way in a small gully.
Since both of these are along the area where the city has at least three cameras it would seem possible to review footage for any ‘open load’ carrying tires as a place to start an investigation.
Of course if they were originally in a tarped vehicle or enclosed vehicle that wouldn’t help.

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