LFP in Action Book Club meets February 28, 2024

Saturday, February 10, 2024

You are invited! Join us for our 2024 launch of the “LFP in Action Book Club.”

Connect with others in the community around climate and environment.

Wednesday February 28, 2024
5:30 - 7pm
LFP Town Center
Intersection Bothell and Ballinger Way NE

We will explore poems in the anthology "Dear Human at the Edge of Time: Poems on Climate Change in the United States" edited by Luisa A Igloria, Aileen Cassinetto, and Jeremy S. Hoffman Paloma Press, 2023. 176 pp.

This anthology was released alongside the 5th National Climate Assessment Report in 2023. You can read some reviews of it here.

There are a few copies in the libraries and LFP Third Place Books should have the anthology on the shelf with the other book club books soon. It will be above the label "LFP in Action Book Club".

More information, and to get on this book club mailing list, email Mimi at: miriam.bertram@gmail.com


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