LFP Council Corner - Help design our lakefront park

Monday, February 5, 2024

Lorri Bodi, Deputy Mayor
Lake Forest Park City Council
Greetings Neighbors. 

I am honored to serve again on our Lake Forest Park City Council, and now as your new Deputy Mayor. For the last few years, I’ve also enjoyed being Council liaison to our citizen Parks and Recreation Advisory Board.

The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is actively working on outreach and recommendations for our new Lakefront Park, located just north of the Civic Club and Lyon Creek Waterfront Preserve. The design concept will include desired recreation, environmental preservation and restoration, multiple means of access including disabled access, and public safety. Our goal is to have a completed design concept in place in time for state biennial grant funding opportunities this spring.

So far, the Board and the Administration have reached out to our community through an online survey and in a community workshop, both well attended, to receive suggestions. Based on the input to date, our community shares many goals for the park, including a focus on water-based recreation and all-age use, equitable waterfront access for all community members, seamless alignment with the Lyon Creek Waterfront Preserve conservation area, and security for nearby properties.

We’d like to hear from you! Please come to the community workshop on February 21, 2024 at City Hall between 5:30 and 7:30pm, where the Board and City team will share design alternatives for your consideration and input. The summaries will be shared with the Council and the Council will weigh in on a preferred design concept during its March meetings. For more information, please visit the project website.

--Deputy Mayor Lorri Bodi


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