Corrected: Shoreline City Council meetings Monday, January 22, 2024

Thursday, January 18, 2024

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January 22, 2024 City Council Workshop Dinner Meeting

A Shoreline City Council Workshop Dinner Meeting will be held in Conference Room 303 on Monday, January 22, 2024 using a hybrid format where both in-person and online attendance is allowed. 

You may attend the meeting in person, join via Zoom webinar, or listen to the meeting over the telephone.
Date: 01/22/2024 5:45 pm - 6:45 pm
Location: Shoreline City Hall Conference Room 303
17500 Midvale Ave N, Shoreline WA 98133

Link to Meeting Agenda

This Dinner Meeting will be with representatives from the City’s three primary human services partners in the Shoreline community: 
  • Hopelink, 
  • the Center for Human Services, and 
  • Lake City Partners Ending Homelessness.
This will furnish an opportunity for each organization to provide information about their organization, their impact in the Shoreline community and information on the changing human services landscape.

January 22, 2024 City Council Regular Meeting

Following the Dinner Meeting, the Shoreline City Council Regular Meeting will be held at 7:00pm in the Council Chamber using a hybrid format where both in-person and online attendance is allowed. You may attend the meeting in person, join via Zoom webinar, or listen to the meeting over the telephone.
Council is providing opportunities for public comment in person, remotely, or by submitting written comment
The Consent Calendar includes, among other routine items,

c) Adoption of Resolution No. 517 - Amending the Council Rules of Procedure.

The following changes will be made:

Regarding General Decorum:

Any person making disruptive, impertinent, slanderous or threatening remarks while addressing the Council during public comment or public testimony that disrupt, disturb, or otherwise renders orderly conduct of the meeting unfeasible shall be asked to leave the Council Chambers by the Presiding Officer and barred from further audience before the Council for that meeting. If the person is participating in the meeting remotely, the Presiding Officer shall ask the City Clerk to remove them from their permission to talk in the videoconferencing application.

Regarding Public Testimony:

Members of the public may address the City Council in-person in the Council Chambers or remotely through the telephone or online at the beginning of any Regular Meeting under Agenda Item 6 Public Comment.

During the Public Comment portion of the meeting, individuals may speak to agenda items or any other topic matter pertaining to City business except those scheduled for a Public Hearing or pertaining to a quasi- judicial action.

There is one Action Item
: (a) Action on Ordinance No. 999 - Amending Chapters 20.20, 20.30 and 20.40 of the Shoreline Municipal Code to Establish Permanent Regulations for Major and Minor Fleet Bases

There is one Study Item: (a) Discussion of Ordinance No. 1005 - Fee Schedule for Transportation Impact Fees

Although the Fee schedule has been adjusted since its July 2014 establishment, this ordinance will include an updated rate schedule.

Link to Agenda:

--Pam Cross

Corrected: in the section Consent Calendar, the formatting showing the changes to General Decorum and Public Testimony was lost in transmission in the original story.


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