Lemmings jump into the sea - no, sorry - Polar Bears jump - no, not them - Edmonds residents freeze by the hundreds

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

January 1st, usually the dead of winter, is when normally sane adults remove most of their clothing and plunge into the icy waters of Puget Sound.

Photo by Lee Lageschulte

Hundreds of Edmonds residents crowded every inch of the beach and lined the breakwater at the Edmonds waterfront, waiting for the signal to plunge into the water.

Photo by Lee Lageschulte

Once they started to go into the water, the crowd looked even bigger than when they were huddling for warmth on the beach.

Photo by Lee Lageschulte

It's not true that they were all screaming "omg get me out of here." In fact they appear to be high-fiving and even swimming. Although a few are heading for shore.

Photo by Lee Lageschulte
The mountains peeked out to see what all the screaming was about but then quickly pulled the covers over their heads and went back to bed.

--Diane Hettrick


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