What's wrong with this picture?

Monday, December 11, 2023

Photo by PDH

What's wrong with the photo?

This rhody has not bloomed for a decade. I forgot what color it was.

It always was the last of my rhodys to bloom but for a long time it either did not bloom at all or it produced a couple of blooms that quickly shriveled up, turned brown, and dropped.

This year, with our extended dry period, my lawn didn't grow (yea! no mowing!) but come October, this rhody started to bloom. It kept its blossoms until the weather changed on December 1, 2023.

The blossoms are still there and look good from a distance, but they have shriveled ever so slightly.

It's my youngest rhody, having the distinction of being the only thing we have deliberately planted that lived.

It has managed to maintain during a couple of rain storms so I hope it will keep going for a while.

--Diane Hettrick


Just My Opinion December 11, 2023 at 5:19 PM  

I just saw two new buds on a climbing rose next to my house

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