Shoreline Community College Foundation annual fundraising event raises over $100K for student support

Sunday, December 10, 2023

The annual fundraiser for the Shoreline Community College Foundation
Photo courtesy Shoreline Community College

On Friday, November 3, 2023, the Shoreline Community College Foundation hosted its annual fundraising event in support of students and programs at SCC. With 225 guests, 20 volunteers, and 34 individual and corporate sponsors, $107,682 was raised.

During the event, College President, Dr. Jack Kahn, gave a brief overview of the economic impact of the college on our local community and as part of the State and National economies. 

Dr. Kahn's remarks showed the importance that access to an affordable high-quality education represents, not just for the economy, but also the fabric of the community. As he explained, "we can change lives here."

The keynote was given by Emily Portillo, Bridge to Finish Program Manager at the United Way of King County. The United Way of King County partners with Shoreline Community College to connect students with resources that help them stay in and thrive in school. 

Ms. Portillo explained that more than half of community college students live below the poverty line. She added that 48% of students end up leaving school due to cost-of-living expenses. 

Of those living below the poverty line, a disproportionate number are students of color. She ended her address by thanking the donors who help fund the programs and services that help students thrive.

After a short video where two SCC students shared their stories of how financial assistance from donors helped them succeed, Foundation Board Member and SCC Faculty Tony Doupé made an impassioned appeal for support.

The Shoreline Community College Foundation provides more than $600,000 annually in student scholarships and support and is governed by a volunteer board of dedicated community members. The purpose of the SCC Foundation is to raise funds in support of the students and programs at SCC.

Supporters were generous
Photo courtesy SCC
Wendy Coates, Executive Director of the Foundation, thanked the audience for their part in ensuring that Shoreline Community College students will have the resources and support they need to finish school. 

She also expressed thanks for “the dedicated faculty and staff at SCC for the kind and exceptional instruction and care they provide students every day.”

Ms. Coates ended the program by thanking the audience for coming and for giving so generously. 

She asked that as they left, to “think about this - what you did here today was life changing. What you did here today changed the world!”

To discover more about how the Shoreline Community College Foundation supports local students and learn about ways you can assist in that support, visit their webpage 

Follow this link for the video story of how donors impact students at Shoreline Community College.


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