
Sunday, December 17, 2023

Camp United We Stand (CUWS) settled in new location in Shoreline - and here's how you can help sustain them

Main entrance to camp

Story and photos by Lisa McDonald

Camp United We Stand (CUWS) extends a huge THANK YOU to all that helped in their recent relocation move back to the Shoreline Area in early November. 

The camp residents are now settled in to their new “home” on the east end of St Dunstan’s Episcopal Church campus in Shoreline. The Thanksgiving holiday was much more meaningful being settled into their new living space!

Camp United We Stand, Inc. is a legally sanctioned 501(C)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to provide safe shelter for homeless individuals. 

We work toward this mission by operating a transient homeless encampment for the provision of shelter, the residents’ daily needs and to facilitate their transition to independent living.

Security tent

The homeless encampment houses up to 35 adults, some of whom work outside the camp. They are assured of returning to the same place night after night to lay their heads. To having food and drink. To having their basic human needs met. The camp has garbage and recycling service, porta-potties, water access (for dishwashing), and weekly laundry service by a team of volunteers.

  • All camp residents are screened.
  • No sex offenders or people with outstanding warrants are permitted.
  • No weapons are permitted in the camp.
  • No street drugs or alcohol are permitted in the camp. The rules for CUWS are strictly enforced.

Camp United We Stand provides its own security detail 24/7 to patrol the camp perimeter. If needed, the police are called. 

Neighborhoods near our hosting sites have found there are fewer problems in the area when there is such an encampment as the residents intentionally attempt to be conscientious neighbors to their surrounding area by keeping their hosting site neat/tidy, and noises to a minimum.

Please consider sponsoring the camp this holiday season!

With the upcoming holidays quickly approaching, we are hopeful we can secure some much-needed donations and funding to help with some immediate and ongoing needs. If you or your family & friends are looking for a way to bring holiday cheer to those in need, please consider supporting CUWS residents.

Kitchen pantry
Immediate camp needs:

  • REFRIGERATOR needed (new or gently used) Camp is down to one working refrigerator, so there is limited space to store perishable food donations at this time.
  • BATTERIES (AA and AAA) to power devices in campers’ tents
  • Cash donations to purchase new REFRIGERATOR (unless one is donated!) and 
  • PROPANE for heat source and cooking needs at camp
  • Warm CLOTHING, SOCKS, BLANKETS *Must be donated clean and ready to use in new/gently used condition
Ongoing needs:
  • Sponsor a camper! For a donation of $555.00 you can completely sponsor an incoming camper. See below breakdown of how the funds would be used to purchase personal items for each living space:
  • Wood platform ($90)
  • Tent ($110)
  • Sturdy tarp to secure over the tent ($60)
  • Cot with pad ($75)
  • Sleeping bag/bedding ($75)
  • Propane heater ($100)
  • Heater hose ($25)
  • First tank of propane ($20)
  • Monthly Garbage/Recycling expenses
  • Monthly Honey Bucket expenses
  • Relocation costs (to rent U-Haul and moving equipment)
  • Purchasing replacement items in camp as they wear out – including appliances, tents/tarps, tables/chairs, etc
  • GROUND COFFEE + creamers/sugars are always in need!
  • Laundry detergent and dryer sheets

To donate any of the above listed items you may drop them off at the front entrance (security tent) of CUWS on the lower level of the St Dunstan’s Episcopal church campus 722 N 145th St, Shoreline (enter off 145th street just WEST of the Interurban trail access)

To make a financial donation to CUWS, mail a check to:
  • CUWS c/o RBCC 1512 NW 195th St, Shoreline WA 98177
  • *make checks payable to CUWS - on the ‘for’ line you may denote where you would like your funds to go towards – if no notation is made, your donation will be put towards current camp needs.
  • Donations can also be made through our CUWS website

Meal delivery – please check out our sign-up genius link to sign up for meal delivery.

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