
Thursday, December 7, 2023

2023 NUHSA Human Services Awards to be presented at public ceremony on December 13, 2023

The North Urban Human Services Alliance (NUHSA) is proud to announce its 2023 Human Services Award recipients and nominees! All have made a significant contribution to the health and welfare of our North King County community and have supported or advocated for a strong and accessible health and human services system, strengthening our community through their initiative and leadership.

Recipients and nominees will be honored at NUHSA's 2023 Human Services Awards celebration on Wednesday, December 13, 2023 from 5:00 to 7:00pm at Shoreline City Hall 17500 Midvale Ave N.

To join this community celebration, please RSVP by emailing

NUHSA’s Annual Human Services Awards have been celebrating the accomplishments of local individuals and organizations since 2008. 

NUHSA is an alliance of non-profit agencies, faith communities, city and county leadership, school districts and members of the community who advocate for a strong and accessible health and human services system in North King County, encompassing Shoreline, Lake Forest Park, Kenmore, Bothell and Woodinville. Through partnership and collaboration, 

NUHSA supports providers, funders and the community to enhance existing resources and build our capacity to effectively respond to community needs.

Human Services Champion

Bill Bear
A longtime Shoreline community member and advocate, Bill Bear is deeply invested in Shoreline and the health and well-being of its residents. He is a Celebrate Recovery and Shoreline Community Court Resource Center Navigator volunteer and a member of the Regional Crisis Response Agency (RCR) Community Advisory Board. He also leads Shoreline Community Care, an all-volunteer faith-based organization that has been helping Shoreline residents with rent and utility bills for over twenty years. Particularly during the pandemic, Shoreline Community Care played a vital role in distributing gas and grocery cards and other assistance. Bill also works with United Shoreline Organized Against Racism with The Peoples’ Supper, bringing about healing of divisions in Shoreline, and volunteers with the Power of One in a first-grade class.


Brittany Miles
Brittany Miles is an effective advocate for people with behavioral health conditions, and specifically for those who experience high-acuity crises. As a mother of a teen with early onset schizophrenia, she has tirelessly fought for system improvements and elevated the voice of individuals experiencing these systems. As a skilled writer, Brittany shines a light on how systemic racism and systemic failures have impacted people with behavioral health conditions, especially those with marginalized identities. Her work has appeared in the Seattle Times, PubliCola, Seattle Child and NAMI blog, and she serves on the Regional Crisis Response Agency (RCR) Community Advisory Board, which supports mental health crisis de-escalation. Brittany also serves on the Technology subcommittee for the Washington State Legislature's HB1477 implementation of the national 9-8-8 suicide prevention hotline and connection to care. She and her daughter live in Bothell with their feisty pet chihuahua.

Tanya Laskelle
Tanya Laskelle is the Family Support Department Director for the Center for Human Services (CHS), an area behavioral health and family support non-profit agency that strengthens the community through counseling, education and support to children, youth, adults and families. With local roots and over 20 years’ experience and leadership at CHS, she has been an extraordinary advocate for the health and well-being of youth and families and has been a persistent voice in urging increased funding for CHS and all north-end human services providers. Whether it is conversation with local, county or state officials and funders, Tanya’s clear, constructive messaging effectively makes the case for increased focus and funding for the human services infrastructure in North King County, and through her work, helps build the capacity to serve residents and create healthier, stronger communities.

Bryan & Christie Streit
Bryan and Christie Streit, owners of Woodinville’s Pizza Coop & Ale House, have been deeply involved in supporting families in need for many years, including hosting an annual fun run and a very popular annual golf tournament to help fill the Woodin Elementary Summer Food Bank; coordinate and provide gifts during the holidays with a Giving Tree; and host Shop with a Cop, giving local kids the opportunity to shop for holiday gifts at no cost to the child or family. Their compassion and kindness significantly affect the community, and through a newly established foundation, they are able to grow in their reach and impact.

Sally Yamasaki, Donna Hawkey & Michael Troyer
Over the last four years, Lake Forest Park residents Sally Yamasaki, Donna Hawkey and Michael Troyer have led a grassroots effort to explore Community Land Trusts (CLTs) as a viable tool for increasing housing diversity and affordability in Lake Forest Park and throughout our north-end communities. Working in partnership with Homestead Community Land Trust, this dynamic trio has presented to city planning commissions and city councils, hosted a very successful bus tour of area CLTs, and as active NUHSA members, provided a presentation during Affordable Housing Week. Through their advocacy, CLTs are now more broadly recognized as not only an option for creating permanently affordable housing, but also as a way to build generational wealth and stability and ensure families may live and work in the same community.

Outstanding Human Services Program

Northshore Nourishing Networks
In 2010, Nourishing Networks was created through Hopelink as an intriguing new model of engagement and action to address hunger. Local volunteer networks brought together people from diverse sectors and cultures to leverage resources and serve the community in new and deeply personal ways. In 2012, Nourishing Networks became an independent entity and now serves seven communities in north and east Puget Sound. Terra Droney and Elise Harris are the Conveners in Bothell/Kenmore and Woodinville. Through monthly virtual meetings, they connect dozens of volunteers and advocates with specific needs in the community - filling food pantries, assisting families in times of crisis, promoting human services events, and creating collaborative partnerships to address immediate and emerging needs in our community. Through the Nourishing Networks framework and with the dedicated local leadership of Elise and Terra, a strong web of providers and advocates has been created to effectively address hunger and other needs, such as diapers and school supplies. They have become the go-to place in Kenmore, Bothell and Woodinville to fill in the gaps and reinforce the safety net.


Shoreline PTA Council Mental Health Committee
Since its inception in early 2022, the Shoreline PTA Council Mental Health Committee has steadily raised awareness of mental health issues and resources within the school district and broader community and reduced negative stereotypes and stigma around mental health for families and students. Under the leadership of Missy Liu and an active Steering Committee, the group has created and distributed a comprehensive mental health resource list, provided education through in person and virtual speakers and community meetings, and created a grant program to promote mental health initiatives in the schools. The Committee has also advocated for increased mental health support and funding at the local and state level, and most recently, hosted a regionwide Mental Health Symposium that elevated student voices and shared resources. Success for this group is defined by a school culture where students feel safe when talking about their mental health and know how to seek solutions – and through its many efforts, the Committee has made great strides in achieving this goal.

Center for Human Services Board of Directors
With a recent study showing wage gaps of 30% or more between human services workers and those in non-care industries, the Center for Human Services (CHS) was the first in North King County to respond and significantly raise wages for staff. Last year, a $4.00 an hour salary adjustment was implemented for all positions, in addition to annual raises, and a $1,500 (net) bonus was provided for all employees. The Board of Directors and staff leadership then implemented another 6% raise per employee, plus an across-the-board bonus of $1,500. This fall, the Board approved an additional 5% raise across the board effective January 1st, beating inflation significantly. Turnover has reduced notably - from over 30% a few years ago to a rate now below 10% - and that is good for both business and for clients. As turnover falls, pay increases may no longer be largely covered by increased productivity, so increasing contract reimbursement rates will be critical in ensuring organizations can pay well enough to entice workers to stay in the human services sector. Regardless, the CHS experience demonstrates that adequate wages are essential in maintaining an effective service delivery model that reduces staff turnover, increases morale, and provides more stable, high-quality services for clients.

Lifetime Achievement Award Rob Beem (see previous story)

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