Three Stormray wrestlers on the podium after Gut Check Tournament

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Abi Chishungu, Izzy Crave, Finley Houck, Coach Brady Houck
Photo by Jeremy Tantrum

By Tricia Norton

Showare Arena was the setting for the challenging Gut Check Tournament this year on December 28th and 29th, 2023. Shorewood took several boys and most of the girls team to compete. The competition proved fierce. Shorewood boys came away with a few wins, getting some great experience to prepare for the postseason.

In the girls side of the tournament, the Stormrays had more success. Sophomore Abi Chishungu placed 3rd, coming back to beat the wrestler that originally pushed her into the consolation bracket. Sophomore Finley Houck placed 4th, and Junior Izzy Crave placed 5th with a quick pin in her medal match. The girls placed 25th overall, with wins by junior Libby Norton adding to the Stormray point total.

This coming weekend the girls will again face intense competition at the Braided 64 tournament in Kelso Washington. The Stormray boys will wrestle at the Decatur Invitational Tournament.

Noise-canceling headphones for dogs

Noise canceling headphones for dogs
I know a lot about cats - from tiny kittens to ferals - but not a lot about dogs. I do know that most dogs react badly to firework explosions and that many react by running. I'll start seeing the lost dog notices on Monday.

I have heard about "thunder shirts" which are supposed to calm canine anxiety - do they really work? But noise cancelling headphones are new to me.

Noise canceling headphones for dogs
A Google search brought up half a dozen brands and styles from what look like old aviator caps to something that looks like high end headphones.

They are sold online and locally in Petco. It seems like they should work, if your dog will tolerate having something on its head.

Here's hoping you have law-abiding neighbors and all the fireworks will be far away from you!

--Diane Hettrick

Cartoon by Whitney Potter: Happy New Year

And today is 123123 - that should mean something! (December 31, 2023)

Wildlife Wednesday Speaker Series: European Green Crabs and Puget Sound

Wildlife Wednesday Speaker Series: 
European Green Crabs and Puget Sound
Wednesday, January 3, 2024 - 6:30-7:45pm
Sponsored by the King County Library System

Join a six-part series of talks on Urban Wildlife featuring speakers from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Learn about the fascinating species that live in our area, how they thrive and what we can do to live alongside wildlife.

Sometimes it just takes one species to completely change an environment. For Washington, that could be the invasive European green crab. 

Join WDFW European Green Crab Outreach Specialist Jessica Ostfeld in exploring why Washingtonians are worried about the European green crab, what we are doing to protect our state and how we all can help protect our waterways from invasive species.

Upcoming Events

February 7, 6:30pm
Amphibians in the City with Max Lambert (WDFW)

March 6, 6:30pm
Beavers all around with Shawn Behling (WDFW) 

April 3, 6:30pm
Owls Abound with Emilie Kohler (WDFW) 

May 1, talk at 6pm, birding begins at 6:30pm
Urban Bird-watching Workshop with Kelsey Hansen (WDFW)

Shoreline native Gordon Braun publishes The Boy From a Town That Isn’t Even a Town

Saturday, December 30, 2023

The Boy From a Town That Isn’t Even a Town, by Shoreline native Gordon Braun, has been released for sale on Amazon, Barnes & Noble online and Village Books in Bellingham.

It’s 1968. The town of Shoreline isn’t on any maps because it isn’t even a town. “Wedged between the northern limits of Washington State’s biggest city at 145th Street and the Snohomish County line at 205th Street, Shoreline is an afterthought—an aptly named sixty-block strip of unincorporated King County stretching from the banks of Lake Washington on the east to the bluffs overlooking Puget Sound on the west.”

This coming-of-age memoir lets us in on the rich inner life of a pubescent boy. There is adventure. There is adversity. There are funny scenes, tender moments, and memorable characters. 1968 was the year Gordon turned thirteen. 

It was the year he had a Seattle Times paper route and noticed that “bad news isn’t just plentiful, it’s as relentless as the precipitation around here and has a way of soaking through your skull and seeping into your consciousness.” 

It was the year he discovered a talent that would change the trajectory of his life.

About the author: 

The Boy From a Town That Isn’t Even a Town is Gordon Braun’s first published work. He attended Cromwell Park Elementary, Cordell Hull Junior High, and Shoreline High School in his hometown of Shoreline, Washington. 

After a record-setting track and cross-country career as a schoolboy, he was rewarded with an athletic scholarship to the University of Washington where he earned undergraduate and graduate degrees. Gordon is a retired business executive, consultant, teacher, and coach. He lives in Bellingham with his wife, Carrie Gaasland.

Shoreline Planning Commission January 4, 2024 to study proposed amendments to 2024 Comp Plan

L-R: Commissioner Mei-shiou Lin, Chair Pam Sager, Commissioner Andy Galuska, Vice Chair Julius Rwamashongye, Commissioners Janelle Callahan, Leslie Brinson, and Christopher Mosier.

The Shoreline Planning Commission Regular Meeting on Thursday, January 4, 2024 at 7pm will be held in the Council Chamber at Shoreline City Hall 17500 Midvale Ave N, Shoreline, WA 98133

You may attend the meeting in person, join via Zoom webinar, or listen to the meeting over the telephone. The Commission is providing opportunities for public comment in person, remotely, or by submitting written comment. In person public commenters must sign up in person prior to the start of the meeting, and remote public commenters must sign-up online by 6:30pm the night of the meeting.

Remote meeting link:

Agenda Highlights: Comprehensive plan amendments

For 2024, there are eleven (11) privately initiated amendments and three (3) city- initiated amendments. At tonight’s meeting, staff is requesting the Planning Commission make a recommendation to Council which amendments should be evaluated in 2024, establishing the Final 2024 Docket. The Commission’s recommendation will be submitted to the City Council to establish the Final 2024 Docket. City Staff will then analyze and evaluate the proposed amendments and return to the Planning Commission for study sessions and a public hearing.

Contact the Planning Commission:
Carla Hoekzema, Planning Commission Clerk
(206) 801-2514

Bad weather always looks better when you’re outside

Rainy Lake Washington
Photo by Gordon Snyder
By Gordon Snyder

During today’s grey rainy afternoon, I headed to see the storms blowing over Lake Washington.

Typical rain and clouds kept changing the view. I stayed longer to gather in the sights when I heard the screeching of a couple of eagles.

Almost eagles
Photo by Gordon Snyder

Couple of eagles was literally correct. 

They were flying and hollering until they landed in the shoreline trees and proceeded with their mating ritual. 

I could not get a photo because they were in that distant clump of trees. 

But while I was waiting for them to maybe fly by… a subtle sunset showed up.

After deciding it was getting too dark to photo them, while leaving I saw this Rainbow to the east.

Bad weather always looks better when you’re outside. 

LFP Police Activity in November 2023

November 2023
Lake Forest Park Police incidents heatmap for November 2023 

Each blue dot is an incident generated by dispatch or an officer. This map represents 430 incidents in November. 

  • Traffic Events 226 
  • Questionable Activity 56 
  • Walk Through 56 
  • Alarm 18 
  • Theft 17 
  • Traffic Collision 15 
  • Welfare Check 11 
  • Mental/Emotional 8 
  • Disturbance 7 
  • Noise Complaint 6 
  • Violation of Order 5 
  • MV Prowl 5
Notable Incidents: 
  • Officers were dispatched to a subject who called 911 to report he had been driving drunk, crashed his car, and needed help getting his car “unstuck”. After failing field sobriety tests officers took the subject into custody for DUI and impounded his vehicle. 
  • Over several days officers received multiple calls from a subject with severe mental health issues. The subject repeatedly called 911 making threats and attempting to report things that were not happening. The subject was referred to a crisis responder (RCR) for possible assistance. Subject has threatened to shoot officers in the past. 
  • Officers responded to a welfare check request. The caller reported he was out of town and unable to reach her partner at home. The partner was reported to have a history of drug use and suicidal ideations. There were also 4 dogs inside the residence. Officers were able to observe a subject slumped over inside the residence, however they were unable to access the building due to the aggressive animals. The officers were able to see that the subject was obviously deceased. Animal control arrived and took custody of the dogs. The medical examiner determined the subject likely died from a drug overdose. 
  • Officers were dispatched to a male subject walking down the middle of 178th yelling and blocking traffic. Officers located the described subject who was then walking on the sidewalk. The subject refused to stop and speak with officers. 
  • Officers assisted the fire department with a subject at the Kidney Center who stated he had not taken his antipsychotic medication and was hallucinating. The caller reported that the subject was also confused and combative. Officers stood by while the fire department assisted the subject. 
  • Officers were dispatched to a shoplift report at Albertsons. Store employees reported a male subject stole a donut from the bakery case and a pack of powdered donuts from the aisle. The subject became angry when confronted after leaving the store without paying. When the officers arrived, the subject continued to yell that he had not stolen any donuts. Officers clearly observed a large amount of powdered sugar on the subject’s clothing. The subject was arrested for theft 3rd. 
  • Officers responded to a strong-arm robbery at Taco Bell. A male subject drove up to the drive thru window, shoved the employee out of the way and grabbed the register. The victim was unable to provide a license plate or description. 
  • Officers responded to an exposing at a condominium complex. The victim reported a male subject exposed himself to her outside her front window. The male (Amazon delivery driver) stated he did not see the subject observing him and he was only urinating. Case sent to prosecutor for review.
  • Subject called stating her family member was intoxicated, lying out on the front porch, and refusing to come inside. Officers arrived and were immediately cussed out by the extremely intoxicated subject. Aid was called to check on the subject and determine if she could stay home with her level of intoxication. The subject was cleared by aid and assisted into the residence by the officers she was then attempting to hug.
  • An employee at ARCO reported a male subject pulled a knife on him when told not to smoke on the property. The suspect fled prior to PD arrival. The employee did not want to press charges, only wanted the police to know.
  • Officers responded to three suspicious subjects at Ross. One suspect was observed attempting to shoplift, one subject was passed out after using narcotics and one subject was booked on a warrant. All subjects were trespassed from the mall property.
  • Officers received a call at approximately 6:30pm of a subject who had left the Lake Forest Bar & Grill after doing a “dine and dash.” An employee later confirmed that a known suspect with a previous dine and dash history came to the business, then left after not paying an approximate $50 charge. He was identified by the bartender as acting oddly and talking to himself. An officer conducted an area check and located the suspect inside Third Place Books after the suspect made threats to shoot employees with a firearm. As a precaution, the officer drew his duty handgun and requested assistance with a sergeant responding to the store. As both officers-maintained cover and contact with the suspect, the suspect made threats to get a gun and shoot the officers and staff. The suspect said he was going to leave and stood up. When the officers moved to make physical contact with the suspect to prevent flight to the main part of the store, the suspect was taken to the floor. The suspect began to actively resist, including drawing at least one hand under his torso and refusing to show it upon repeated commands to show it. It took both LFP officers as well as three assisting Bothell PD officers to get the suspect into custody. Aid was requested to the station as a precaution, but the suspect cussed out the medics telling them they would die, including calling a female medic a “bitch”. The suspect refused to identify himself and did not have an ID. He was later booked into KCJ for a felony charge for the harassment threats to kill. The suspect was later identified and found to have multiple warrants for his arrest, including a department of corrections escape warrant. The suspect was also identified as an officer safety flag due to a past event when he grabbed the gun on an officer during an arrest. Per the arresting officer, the suspect screamed racial slurs including the “N” word multiple times at the officer during the transport to KCJ.
  • That same shift, at 2:15 am, there was a call at 12 Degrees North regarding 8-10 people with guns, including a rifle. This started over a domestic incident, in which a threat of assault was made. This threat caused the involved male to call some friends for assistance, which caused several subjects to show up armed. One subject was wearing a gun belt with gun exposed (however, this is legal), he was also carrying a rifle which he pointed at 3 subjects (which is not legal). Another subject had a concealed gun without a permit (not legal) he also pulled his shirt  up and brandished it on others (not legal). Having only two of our LFP officers on duty, Bothell assisted by sending several officers. Eleven subjects were ultimately detained, two were arrested and booked.
  • Again, this same evening shift, at 4am (the 2 officers still working the above incident with the incustodies) the Kushery (marijuana dispensary in the north end of city) was burglarized. The reporting party heard glass breaking and voices inside. Bothell officers backed us again. Turned out to be a good burglary but as the officers arrived, the suspect had just fled. They tried calling for K9 to track the subject but after contacting 6 agencies, none were available.
  • Albertsons staff observed three individuals entering, splitting up, and walked around the store.The manager witnessed them concealing items, prompting a call to the police. One subject, with an outstanding Mercer Island warrant, revealed felony convictions for residential burglary. Another initially gave a false name but later confessed to having a DOC Felony warrant, leading to his arrest for obstructing and drug possession. Notably, he was previously arrested for Organized Retail Theft on November 9th by Seattle PD. All three received Criminal Trespass Warning letters for the mall.
  • Two subjects were seen on video breaking the metal railing off the building and the glass on an exterior door to gain entry. The suspects had a backpack and stuffed as much merchandise as possible in the short time they were there. The inner security gate was not locked when the store employees closed the night before, which assisted the in the suspects gaining entry. AFIS processed the scene and evidence was collected for processing.
  • Police responded to a school lockdown triggered by an individual who entered Brookside Elementary School by tailing a parent through the main entrance, unbeknownst to the parent. School staff confronted the individual, who claimed to have a child at the school and provided a child and teacher's name. However, the provided names did not match any students or staff in the building. The situation escalated when the individual confessed his intention to harm the adult he had named. Subsequently, the individual exited the premises, returned to his vehicle, and departed. School staff immediately initiated a lockdown and called 911. Despite the absence of visible weapons and no current evidence suggesting the individual possessed one, officers quickly arrived at the school and began a search of the campus and surrounding areas. All students and uninvolved staff were confirmed to be out of danger throughout the incident. Police maintained a presence at the school until the end of the school day, with extra patrols planned for the following day. Additional information revealed that the subject was experiencing mental or emotional distress and is seeking an individual associated with a massage clinic who owns a red vehicle. The detectives are collaborating with the Shoreline School District to obtain potential video footage. Officers and detectives will continue to follow up on any leads or information gathered in this ongoing investigation.
Report dated 12-15-23

HistoryLink: On this day in 1928, interurban train service between Seattle and Tacoma ended

Seattle-Tacoma interurban streetcar, Kent, ca. 1909
Photo by Asahel Curtis, Courtesy MOHAI (2002.3.1435)

HistoryLink File 2671

On December 30, 1928, the last electric interurban railcar leaves Seattle for Tacoma. This marks the end of 26 years of regional interurban service between the two cities.

Down in the Valley

Interurban service between the two cities began in 1902, following Puget Sound Traction, Light & Power Company's acquisition of an incomplete railway launched by Henry Bucey in 1901. PSTL&P completed the line, which it called the Puget Sound Electric Railway, and inaugurated service on September 25, 1902.

The Seattle-Tacoma line extended from downtown Seattle along 1st Avenue to Georgetown. From there, it roughly paralleled the Duwamish River to Tukwila. A branch line veered east toward Renton, while the main track shot straight down the valley through Kent and Auburn. At the Pierce County line, the tracks turned west, heading fairly straight into downtown Tacoma.

The Seattle-Tacoma interurban was a godsend to farmers in the Kent Valley. Prior to the rail line, goods had to be transported to the cities by horse teams and wagons over rough roads. The electric trains allowed for quick transport of milk and produce. One of the line's freight trains became known as the Spud Daily, due to its service to the valley's potato farmers.

End of the Line

Although the Seattle-Tacoma interurban served the two cities well, by the late 1920s the line was suffering from financial difficulties. New roads networked throughout the valley, and many farmers and commuters were buying trucks and cars. Highway 99 was under construction, and the Seattle-Tacoma link was completed on October 18, 1928. This spelled the demise of the interurban.

Motorman Roy Kelly left Seattle with the last interurban on the night of December 30. After reaching Tacoma, he returned the train to Kent on schedule. From there, he and his crew were sent out to pick up all remaining freight cars, and in the early hours of December 31, the power was shut off. Thus ended 26 years of interurban service.


Warren Wing, To Tacoma by Trolley (Edmonds, WA: Pacific Fast Mail, 1995).

Weather that can't make up its mind

Photo by Lee Lageschulte

No wonder it's so hard to predict the weather here. The photo shows all weather in a day (not a technical term) - but what isn't there?

WSU Extension King County Master Gardeners Workshops and Classes for 2024

The WSU Extension King County Master Gardeners will offer their popular educational series, Growing Groceries classes and Bellevue Demonstration Garden (BDG) workshops, beginning in January 2024. 

Gardeners of all ages and skills can find a topic of interest. WSU Master Gardeners and guest speakers present from their own experience and include up-to-date science-based information from WSU Extension. 

All classes are presented on Zoom and are open to anyone in King County and beyond.

Growing Groceries Gardening Classes for 2024

Classes will be offered in three series: Winter, Spring, and Fall. The Growing Groceries program is ideal for home gardeners with beginner to intermediate skills and is open to all. Participants in the program will become more successful in their home gardening efforts and learn about sustainable and environmentally healthy practices. 

Classes are held on selected Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm to 8:30pm online on the Zoom platform. 

The Winter series kicks off on January 31 with featured speakers David Montgomery and Anne Biklé. Their topic, Healthy Soil, Healthy Plants, Healthy Food, will tell ‘tell the long and tangled story of humanity’s relationship with….the soil beneath our farms and gardens.‘ 

The remaining topics in this first series include Vegetables A to Z, All About Backyard Berries and Small Fruits, and The Cool Season Menu: Peas, Hardy Greens, Carrots and More. 

Visit the Growing Groceries page for all the details, including dates and times, class descriptions, cost, and how to register for the first series of four classes or for an individual class.

Bellevue Demonstration Garden Workshops 2024

The Bellevue Demonstration Garden (BDG) 2024 Workshops begin the new season on Saturday, January 20, 2024. 

Workshops will be presented in three series from January to October by WSU Extension King County Master Gardeners. Home gardeners, from beginning to experienced, can expect to learn about new methods and plants and refresh their knowledge on a variety of topics. 

Workshops are presented on selected Saturdays, from 9:30am to 10:30am online on the Zoom platform. 

The series begins on January 20, with Richie Steffen, Executive Director of the Elisabeth C. Miller Botanical Garden. He will share his knowledge of ferns in his presentation, Gardening with Ferns. Other topics in this series include Starting Flower and Vegetable Seeds, Weeds: Friends or Foes, The Complete Talk on Groundcovers, and more.

Visit our BDG Workshops page for all the details, including dates and times, workshop descriptions, cost, and how you can sign up for the series or an individual class.

Jobs: WSDOT Project Delivery Environmental Specialist (TPS3, In-Training)

Project Delivery Environmental Specialist (TPS3, In-Training)
Shoreline, WA – Northwest Region
$64,108 – $95,155 Annually

Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Environmental Office has a fantastic opportunity for a professional who has a passion for environmental issues and responsible project delivery. 

In this position, you will be able to apply your current environmental policy and biology experience and training as well as develop both the breadth and depth of your professional knowledge through hands-on training and collaboration with WSDOT staff, Federal, State, and Local agencies, Tribal governments, and the public.

The primary undertaking of this position will be the environmental representative on fish passage and habitat restoration projects, from early concepts through project completion and monitoring. Your involvement and initiative will support the natural ecology of our region and the livelihood of the public. With this in mind, WSDOT is searching for someone who wants to make a truly rewarding contribution. This is a unique hybrid role where you will spend about half your time as a biologist and the other half doing environmental documentation and permitting.

Job description and application

AG Ferguson: Lumen (CenturyLink) will pay $825,000 to 1,099 customers over illegal pandemic disconnections

OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced that Lumen, formerly CenturyLink, will pay a total of $825,000 to 1,099 Washington telephone customers it disconnected during the pandemic in violation of the emergency health and safety moratorium. 

The payment resolves two separate investigations by Ferguson’s Public Counsel Unit and his Consumer Protection Division.

Lumen is a telecommunications company that provides network and cloud services, among other offerings. It also provides residential and commercial local and long-distance telephone service to 18 states, including Washington. 

According to the Washington Utilities & Transportation Commission (UTC), Lumen is the state’s largest local telephone company, serving approximately 650,000 residential and business lines.

Lumen will provide customers with $707.55 for each unlawful disconnection from telephone service they experienced between March 23, 2020, and Sept. 30, 2021. 

Where Lumen disconnected a customer multiple times, that customer will receive $707.55 for each disconnection. Former Lumen customers will receive a check in the mail, and current customers will receive a credit on their bill. All impacted customers will also receive a letter from the Attorney General’s Office explaining Lumen’s conduct that led to them receiving the bill credit or refund.

Checks are expected to go out by February 10, 2024.

In addition to the $825,000 payment, Lumen must verify to the Attorney General’s Office that it has refunded all reconnection and late fees the company charged to more than 35,000 customers during the pandemic. If it finds any customers were charged fees it has not already refunded, the company must refund those fees, with interest.

Lumen has already returned more than $1.3 million to customers that it charged in violation of the emergency proclamation.

The Governor issued a proclamation during the pandemic that prohibited telecommunication companies from disconnecting customers from landline services, as well as prohibiting late fees or reconnection fees. The proclamation was in effect from March 23, 2020, through Sept. 30, 2021.

The proclamation preserved communication during the pandemic for telephone customers — like rural Washingtonians or those without cell phones or consistent service. Without it, residents could not call for help in emergencies, or stay in contact with loved ones over the phone.

Despite the proclamation, Lumen disconnected 1,099 customers, 67 of them more than once.

Today’s resolution is in addition to $692,250 in penalties the UTC has levied against Lumen for disconnecting some customers in violation of the moratorium. In October, the UTC reduced Lumen’s penalty from $923,000. As part of the resolution, Lumen will not challenge the UTC’s penalties any further.

Penalties paid to the UTC in these cases are used to help fund the commission’s public benefit and education programs and are not used to fund its operations.

Mountlake Terrace man arrested in connection with Jan. 6 Capitol riot

FBI identified Matthew Stickney in surveillance photos at the Capitol on Jan 6

By Diane Hettrick

The has published a detailed story about a local man who has been arrested as a participant in the January 6 Capitol riots.

34 year old Matthew Stickney was photographed in restricted areas of the Capitol on January 6. FBI built the case against him using records from two cell phones he carried, airplane tickets, text messages, and internet searches.

On Dec. 24, he searched for and viewed the webpage for the Hilton Garden Inn in Washington, D.C. and “How do I take my gun with me on a flight?” Followed by “Is weed legal in D.C.?” on Dec. 27.

As Jan. 6 approached, Stickney viewed the webpage for the AC Hotel by Marriott in downtown Washington, D.C. as well as searching if he could bring a gas mask, walkie-talkies, and a knife on a plane.

After the Capitol riot, Stickney searched for — Hands burning from pepper spray. Jan. 6

The FBI concluded in its warrant request that Stickney knowingly entered and remained in a restricted building or grounds without lawful authority to do so. Further, he knowingly did so to “impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions.”

UW Med: Cord blood transplant saved woman from rare cancer

Alexes Harris undergoes a cord-blood transplant at UW Medical Center-Montlake in September 2016. Photo by Hedwig Lee

Alexes Harris’ spin classes were starting to feel impossible. During the 20 seconds on and off sprints, she would become breathless.

“I used to always be able to do them, but in 2015 during these exercises, I’d find myself out of breath, as if I was having an asthma attack,” she said. Harris, a University of Washington sociology professor, however, was fit and had no history of asthma.

A year later, she was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer known as myelodysplastic syndromes, or MDS. Aggressive chemotherapy initially pushed the cancer into remission in 2016. But the cancer came back; her team turned to a bone marrow transplant as an option.

For Harris, whose father was Black and Filipino, and whose mother was white, finding a match was a challenge.

"We are so underrepresented on the bone marrow registry. Being African American, Asian American, Native American, Latinx — and then if you have any intersections of those identities, we have a very low likelihood of finding matches, something like 20 to 30%," she said.

One clinician suggested a transplant using stem cells obtained from umbilical cord blood. She received the cord-blood transfusion and about three weeks later, the transplant was deemed a success. A biopsy that December showed no sign of cancer.

“The donated cord blood from the baby girl saved my life,” Harris said. “It was an amazing experience to know that, on the first day of her life, this baby saved mine because of this donation.”

This fall, the UW Medical Center-Montlake restarted its cord blood donation program in partnership with Bloodworks Northwest. Harris hopes more mothers will consider donating their baby’s cord blood.

“What better way to start your baby’s life than saving someone else’s?”
Find out more about the importance of donating cord blood for transplant recipients fighting cancer in this news item

Holiday on the Docks: Christmas lights at the Edmonds Marina

Friday, December 29, 2023

Edmonds Marina
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

There's something about lights on the water that is always very special. Members of the Edmonds Yacht Club decorate their boats for the annual Holiday on the Docks.

Photo by Steven H. Robinson

This is the annual opportunity for the Yacht Club to team up with the Port of Edmonds to provide a little Holiday brightness in the darkness of late Fall/early Winter. 15 decorated boats move into the Guest Dock area for the month of December.

Move in day was Saturday, December 2nd and move out can be as late as Wednesday, January 3, 2024. Participants receive free moorage and power from the Port while at the guest docks.

Now what? Your Next Steps with your DNA Results

You received or gave a DNA test kit for Christmas, but what do you do when you get the results? 

Sno-Isle Genealogical Society (SIGS) member Craig Gowens will help you on your next steps and take questions on how to best use the results to advance, or start, your family history journey.
The meeting is Wednesday January 3, 2024, in the Wickers Bldg., 19921 Poplar Way, Heritage Park, Lynnwood, 7pm to 9pm. and open to members and the general public. 

The in-person presentation is also available on Zoom

Recruiting Point in Time (PIT) Count volunteers

Photo courtesy KCRHA

The King County Regional Homeless Authority (KCRHA) is now recruiting community members to help complete the count by volunteering at Point-in-Time (PIT) Count Hub locations.

From January 22 – February 2, 2024, the KCRHA will be completing the annual PIT Count. This is a count of the number of unhoused people across all municipalities, as mandated by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The data collected from this count is used to inform HUD on funding for programs and services.

This year, KCRHA and the University of Washington (UW) have received approval from HUD to use a different method for the PIT that extends the previous one-night count to two weeks.

Volunteer Details: 
  • Shifts of up to 4 hours from January 22 – February 2
  • Locations spread throughout King County
  • Training is provided prior to the PIT Count
  • Positions available: Surveyors/Interviewers, Hub Site Leads, Supply and Tech Support
If you’re interested in volunteering, please click here to learn more, and click here to sign up.

Please sign up to volunteer by January 5, 2023.

2024 PIT Count Information

Puget Sound Energy’s Bill Discount Rate and Warm Winter Campaign

Puget Sound Energy (PSE) has shared information about community donations and a bill discount rate program during the winter months. 

Bill Discount Rate

PSE has launched a Bill Discount Rate program to save customers money on their monthly energy bill. Income-eligible customers can now reduce their PSE energy bills by up to 45% a month. The program is designed to be easily accessible and in most cases no proof of income is required. The program can be used in addition to our other assistance programs. 

Check for eligibility HERE. The only information needed is household size, county of residency, and monthly household income. 

Warm Winters

Puget Sound Energy is also proud to share our support of 75 local nonprofit organizations across the 10-county service area in providing warm meals, clothing, toys, and gifts for those in need this winter. Our $200,000 donation helped community groups host regional holiday celebrations to spread holiday cheer and ensure all can experience the spirit of the season.

PSE is proud to fund these generous organizations in supporting our neighbors in need, helping to ease the burden some are experiencing this holiday season. Warming hearts, warming hands, and warming communities – and wishing our friends a warm and happy holiday!

King County: 
  • Asian Counseling Referral Services, 
  • Byrd Barr Place, 
  • Dignity for Divas, 
  • El Centro de la Raza, 
  • Harvest Against Hunger, 
  • Issaquah Food and Clothing Bank, 
  • Kandelia, 
  • KidVantage (in Shoreline)
  • Mount Si Senior Center, 
  • Outdoors for All, 
  • St Vincent de Paul, 
  • Treehouse for Kids and 
  • Vashon Interfaith Council to Prevent Homelessness

Washingtonian Google Play Store users eligible for share of $700 million as a result of AG Ferguson lawsuit

Washingtonian Google Play Store users eligible for share of $700 million as a result of AG Ferguson lawsuit. Lawsuit, filed in 2021, accused Google of burying competition to its app store.

OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced that, as a result of his multistate antitrust lawsuit against Google, Washington Google Play Store users are eligible for a share of a $700 million nationwide resolution against the global technology giant.

The lawsuit accused Google of using anticompetitive practices to insulate its app distribution service, Google Play Store, from competition — forcing Android app developers to raise app prices for users in order to pay Google’s exorbitant fees. These practices targeted all levels of the smartphone ecosystem, including device manufacturers, network operators and app developers.

Each eligible consumer will receive at least $2, with additional payments depending on how much they spent in the Play Store between August of 2016 and September of 2023. An estimated 2.9 million Washingtonians have Android phones, though only those who paid for apps through the Play Store, or paid for in-app purchases, are eligible.

Washingtonians will receive an estimated $10.6 million in reimbursements for their overpayments all together.

“When companies illegally act like monopolies, everyone loses out on the benefits of healthy competition,” Ferguson said. “People face higher prices and fewer choices. Smaller businesses are forced out of the market — or have no way into it in the first place. 
"This resolution stops Google from rigging the system and creates a more level playing field. We will continue to fight for a competitive marketplace that increases consumer choice, improves affordability and provides a level playing field for business.”

More information here

Shop with a cop: LFP police help ten local families have a happy Christmas

A recipient family poses with Chief Harden (left) and super-shopper Lieutenant Rhonda Lehman (right)  Photo courtesy LFP Police Dept

The Lake Forest Park Police Department 2023 Shop With a Cop event took place last week at City Hall. 

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Lake Forest Park, and generous donations from individual citizens, this event brought holiday cheer to ten local students from three elementary schools.

Volunteers wrapped all the gifts
Photo courtesy LFP Police Dept

These Shop With a Cop recipients wrote a list of desired gifts, clothes, and toys for them and for their siblings. Lieutenant Rhonda Lehman selected and bought the gifts, and LFP Rotary volunteers and some of the LFP officers wrapped the toys and the clothes.

Photo courtesy LFP Police Dept

On December 20th and 21st, 2023 the kids came to the LFP city hall with their families, enjoyed some delicious snacks and drinks, took pictures with the officers, and received the gifts.

Pretty stickers are as special as wrapped gifts
Photo courtesy LFP Police Dept

Shop With a Cop is all about strengthening the relationship with the community, celebrating the holidays with our citizens, and assisting some families that may need some help.

Photo courtesy LFP Police Dept

By participating in the program, children gain a positive experience with police officers and give them a different perspective on the role of police in our community.

Officers who volunteered for the event had a great time
Photo courtesy LFP Police Dept

A big “Thank You” goes to all the volunteers and the police officers who participated, and businesses like LFP Starbucks and LFP Albertsons, who made this event possible.

We can’t wait for the next year!!!

If there's algae in the lake - don't go in

Echo Lake during an algae bloom
Photo courtesy City of Shoreline

Public Health – Seattle & King County recommends that people and pets stay out of the water in King County lakes where algae is visible. Follow posted guidance at parks and beaches.

Remember – when in doubt, stay out of the water.

If algae is visible, don’t let pets drink the water or get it on their fur. It’s possible for toxins to be present even if you can’t see algae in the water.

If your pet goes in or near the water at a King County lake, we recommend monitoring them for these symptoms: low energy, not eating, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, and seizures. Symptoms will typically occur within minutes to hours after exposure. If your pet becomes ill, call your veterinarian immediately.

If you are planning to swim or participate in a “Polar Bear Plunge” on New Year’s Day, check with event organizers or city parks departments for the latest information.

Shoreline offers Environmental Mini-Grants

Photo courtesy City of Shoreline
Do you have an idea for a project that helps our community and environment?

Apply for an Environmental Mini-Grant from the City of Shoreline and get up to $5k!

Seeking projects that protect and restore habitats, like planting trees or hosting beach clean-ups.

ShoreLake Arts - Call for Washington made short films

The Shoreline Short Short Film Festival aims to support emerging and developing filmmakers in Washington State and encourage appreciation for the art of filmmaking in our community.

Approximately 12 films will be selected to participate in the Festival. Those films will be screened at the Shoreline Community College Theater on April 13, 2024.

The best of the best will take home cash prizes and a campy Sasquatch Award!

Each film is to range between 3 - 13 minutes. Submission deadline February 13, 2024.

New calf in J Pod

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Somewhere in Puget Sound
Photo credit Maya Sears NMFS Permit 27052.

The Center for Whale Research has received reports and photos from Puget Sound killer whale researchers Maya and Mark Sears of a new calf with J pod on December 26, 2023. 

The calf was not with the pod in recent CWR encounters, or when Mark and Maya saw the whales on the 23rd, making this calf just a few days old. 

The calf was primarily observed near adult female J40, who has not yet had a calf, as well as other J pod females. J40 seems to be the most likely mother, but we’ll try to confirm this in subsequent encounters. 

The calf’s sex is unknown. We hope to see lots more of this calf in the coming weeks and months, and that both the calf and its mother will be able to thrive.

It is extremely important that boats stay far away from the new baby and the pod. At this time no one should be out on their boats to view this critically endangered pod at such a delicate time. The survival of this baby is what’s most important.

Olympic Fly Fishers meeting January 9, 2024 with Kenmore Air chief pilot Chuck Perry

Kenmore Air Chief Pilot Chuck Perry doing a preflight check
Photo courtesy Kenmore Air

The Olympic Fly Fishers of Edmonds (OFF) present Chuck Perry, the chief executive overseeing operations of both seaplanes and land planes for Kenmore Air, who will be giving a short overview of the origins and continuing innovations of the largest seaplane airline in the USA, in continuous operation since 1946.

The meeting will be held Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at the Lake Ballinger Center, 23000 Lakeview Dr, Mountlake Terrace. The doors will open at 5:30pm and the meeting will begin at 6pm.

The meeting is open to all. For more information regarding OFF, visit the website

National Weather Service Seattle issues coastal flood warning for Thursday morning

A coastal flood advisory has been issued for all of Puget Sound for Thursday morning, December 28, 2023.

I am uncertain what effect this will have on our area. During the heavy rain in December my In Box was full of photos of flooded roads in Snohomish and Skagit counties - but we hardly noticed anything.

Both Shoreline and Lake Forest Park have done many flood mitigation projects over the past decade. We no longer have flooded intersections by LFP Town Center or Ronald Bog. 

Three years ago we got two inches of rain and Shoreline crews were very busy - check out this article from December 2020

Do rake the leaves away from your storm drain. 

If at any time you do come across a flooded road take a photo and send it to me with the address or cross streets and I'll see it gets to the right place for action. 

Or call the Shoreline Customer response team at 206-801-2700. It's a 24/7 number so feel comfortable leaving a detailed message, including information on how to contact you if they have follow up questions.

In Lake Forest Park, if localized flooding is severe and you are unable to clear the drain, please call City Hall at 206-368-5440 during business hours or after hours call 206-296-8100.

First Shoreline Council regular meeting of 2024 on Monday, January 8

The Monday, January 1, 2024 Shoreline City Council Regular Meeting has been cancelled due to the New Year’s Holiday. 

The first City Council Meeting of 2024 will take place on Monday, January 8. The dinner meeting has been cancelled. The regular council meeting is at 7pm

Details of the agenda will follow as soon as released. 

Statement from Shoreline Fire Chief Matt Cowan

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Christmas morning 2023
Photo by Steven H. Robinson

My name is Matt Cowan and I am the Fire Chief for the Shoreline Fire Department. 

The "Santa Engine" has been going on for many decades now and brings a great amount of holiday cheer to families in our area. You cannot imagine how many happy, smiling faces we see from the kids and adults as they flock out to greet us as we come by. 

There are hundreds of families that look forward to it every year. 

However, I am very sorry that there were some that were negatively impacted by this event, which is obviously not our intention. We use the horns and sirens to let people know we are coming, so they don't miss us. 

And we also try to maximize the time, so that we can see as many families as possible. 

Next year we will do a better job of getting the word out and we will re-evaluate how we use the horns and sirens to see if there is a better way to do it. 

The apparatus are staffed by volunteers that give up their mornings to spread holiday cheer, and again, I am sorry that it had the opposite effect on some of our residents. 

I wish you all a safe and happy holiday season! 


LFP Mayor's Corner - A Busy Year Ahead

Tom French, Mayor-Elect
City of Lake Forest Park
To the Citizens of Lake Forest Park

It is an honor and a privilege to have been selected by the people to be the 10th mayor of Lake Forest Park. 

Having served the City for 12 years as a Council Member and in leadership positions as Deputy Mayor as well as Budget and Finance Chair, I am excited to lead the Executive Branch beginning in the new year. 

With an excellent leadership team and staff, the City is well positioned to take on the challenges that 2024 and beyond present.

We have an outstanding incoming City Council that brings a wealth of differing skills and abilities to the policy-making side of our government. 

Our community is very fortunate to have neighbors who are willing to share their time in the service of the City. 

I look forward to working very closely with whomever they choose to lead the Council as Deputy Mayor and Council Vice Chair.

The year ahead is a busy one, with a lot on all of our collective plates:
  • The Planning Commission will be considering the state-mandated Comprehensive Plan update with many opportunities for public input on the topic.
  • The Administration will be working to greatly improve communication with Sound Transit to ensure that Lake Forest Park receives a project that is commensurate with the environment and character of our community.
  • The Climate Action Committee will continue their good work on the Climate Action Plan, which will be presented to Council in the first quarter of 2024. The community will be asked to weigh in on this project at a variety of times throughout the year.
  • The Tree Board will continue its good work helping our community protect our most valuable resource - our natural environment. The Administration will be doing all it can to support the charge of our arborist.
  • 2024 is also a Budget year in which the Administration will bring a two-year budget proposal to Council for consideration. There will be a variety of opportunities to express your thoughts and opinions during the budget process which begins in early summer.
  • The Council and Administration will continue to work collectively on improvements to make our roads safer for all. Lowered speed limits, improvements to pedestrian and multi-modal facilities are all important aspects of this work. The Council has made great progress on this topic and now it is time to find the funding for implementing a variety of safety improvements.

A wise friend of mine recently said that a new year is a great time to reimagine what is possible. I am hugely optimistic about the new year, and I couldn’t agree more.

With respect and appreciation,
Mayor-elect Tom French
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