
Saturday, November 4, 2023

South Snohomish County to reduce speed limit on Hwy 99 (Aurora) to match Shoreline

Starting the week of November 13, 2023, the speed limit on SR 99 in Edmonds and Lynnwood will be reduced from 45 to 40mph.

The reduced speed limit follows completion of Edmonds’ Highway 99 Revitalization and Gateway Project that was completed in August. 

As part of this project — aimed at improving both pedestrian and traffic safety — the center two-way left turn lane was replaced with landscaped raised medians and mid-block left-turn pockets along the entire Highway 99 corridor through Edmonds.

In a press release regarding the change, the City of Edmonds said that the proposed speed limit is consistent with the speed limit in Shoreline, which has been 40mph since the raised median was added as part of their Aurora project approximately eight years ago.

This speed limit reduction will provide safer conditions for all modes of transportation along the corridor, which has daily traffic volumes of approximately 40,000 vehicles.


  1. They're not going to be happy until every city street is signed at 15 and every arterial signed at 20. This reduction won't change my behavior one bit.

  2. Please4 , please!!!
    Driving south on Shoreline's Aurora Ave has to be THE most frustrating drive of all. I drive it everyday on my way to work downtown.
    You have to stop on every light, every light!! there is no sequence. You can see it, the frustration, on other drivers as they have to stop at the next light, at the next light and the next light. If the City could just put the lights in a sequence, you wouldn't have the jams the generate along the way. At lest put 3-4 lights in sequence and NOT ALL OF THEM!!


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