Shoreline City Council candidate for Position 6: Betsy Robertson Q/A

Friday, November 3, 2023

Betsy Robertson, Shoreline City Council Pos #6
Oliver Moffat sent the same questions to all candidates for the Shoreline City Council. 

Betsy Robertson, incumbent, is running unopposed for Position 6. Her candidate statement is published separately here.

Fatal drug and alcohol overdoses are at an all time high in our city. What will you do about this public health crisis?

Continue to support programs that make services and programs available to individuals and families throughout the city. I believe social services and community building programs can make a big difference when we reach/support people at all stages of life and development, especially early on. I also will continue to support our police and RACR programs to ensure they have resources to tackle their work and these challenges appropriately.
Shoreline lacks a walkable downtown and gathering area. What can be done?

Instead of a single, centralized space, I support the idea of multiple neighborhoods having thriving, walkable business districts. North City and Ridgecrest are two of the best examples. 

How do you plan to involve all of Shorelines residents in decision making? Name specific actions you will take to ensure equity, inclusion and social justice in our city?

The city is actively working to become anti-racist in all of its operational facets. Training and conversations are ongoing and I will continue to be part of them. CityWise and CityLearn are two programs that are available to members of the community and I strongly encourage individuals to attend. De-mystifying the work and processes involved with governing is an important step. 

How will you help our unhoused neighbors? How will you improve housing affordability?

I was an advocate for and continue to support the Oaks facility in Shoreline. I am the council representative on the North King County Coalition on Homelessness, actively working on short and long-term solutions, including a cold-weather shelter for the upcoming season. I am co-sponsoring a council discussion on increasing tenant protections in Shoreline and will also continue to support programs that help people on the edge of homelessness, stay housed. 

Some residents are concerned about traffic, parking and transportation in Shoreline. What will you do?

I share those concerns! I believe we are at a point where traffic cameras should be considered in school zones near major intersections. So far, I don't have enough support from fellow councilmembers to have that conversation, but I will keep asking. In the meantime, we are working to make our community more pedestrian and bicycle-friendly so that more people feel comfortable getting out of their cars.

Our climate is getting warmer and dryer. What does the city need to do to prepare for the future in the face of a changing climate?

Stick to the goals laid out in the Climate Action Plan. And continue to encourage individuals to do be informed and do their part as well. 

Some Shoreline residents are concerned about gun violence and crime in our city. What will you do to help our neighbors feel safe?

I have heard this as well, particularly from business owners along the Aurora corridor, and immediately connected with our police chief and economic development program manager to discuss the steps available/possible to support. I also asked for the Council goals to be amended to include safety concerns as one of our challenges with business retention. 

How will you improve arts and culture in Shoreline?

I led the campaign to pass our most recent Parks Bond, which included $1 million specifically for public art. 

What questions have I forgotten to ask you?

Why didn't I have a statement in the Voters' Pamphlet?  (UGH!) I was consumed by life and my day-job and completely missed the deadline. I sincerely apologize to the voters. 


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