Rotary grant supports Miyawaki Urban Forest History Project at the Shoreline Museum

Thursday, November 2, 2023

By Judy McCully

The Environmental Rotary Club, along with Rotary Clubs of Shoreline, Lake Forest Park, Mill Creek, and Emerald City, are working together to ensure the success of the Miyawaki Urban Forest History Project at the Shoreline Historical Museum by making a joint grant request to District 5030. 

Amplifying the funding from these rotary clubs, on October 25, 2023 Rotary District 5030 approved our joint grant request, more than doubling the financial assistance for this worthy project.

The Rotary Grant will fund an entryway and artwork for the forest which will serve as a community gathering place and host educational programs. 

This Miyawaki Urban Forest History Project aims to create a beautiful and sustainable urban forest that celebrates the history of the area and promotes environmental awareness. The entryway and artwork will reflect the rich history of the community and provide a welcoming entrance for visitors. 

The Rotary Grant will help to fund this important project and ensure its success. With the support of the community and organizations like Rotary, the Miyawaki Urban Forest History Project is sure to become a valuable asset for the Shoreline community and a source of pride for years to come.

Environmental Rotary Club president, Kimberly Peterson commented, “We are excited to be a part of this community-driven project which was developed by a group of people invested in preserving the natural world and highlighting Indigenous relationships to our landscapes.”

Miyawaki Urban Forests are a unique type of urban forest developed by Japanese botanist, Dr. Akira Miyawaki. These compact forests are not only beautiful, but they also provide a host of benefits to the environment and to the people who live in urban areas. 

Unlike traditional urban forests, which are often composed of just one or two species of trees, Miyawaki Urban Forests are composed of a diverse mix of native trees and shrubs, planted closely together in a small area. This high-density planting method allows the forest to grow quickly and become self-sustaining in just a few years.

One of the key benefits of Miyawaki Urban Forests is their ability to sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. 

The high-density planting method allows these forests to store up to 40 times more carbon than traditional urban forests. 

Additionally, these forests also provide many other benefits including the reduction of urban heat island effects, reduced air and noise pollution, and improved biodiversity. Overall, Miyawaki Urban Forests are an innovative and effective way to improve urban environments while also mitigating the effects of climate change.

By involving community members in the planning, planting, and maintenance of the forest, the project will help to build a sense of community and collective responsibility. 

Additionally, by documenting the history of the project and the community members involved, the project will help to preserve and celebrate the unique cultural heritage of the area. 

Overall, a Miyawaki Urban Forest History Project provides a range of benefits to the community it serves, from mitigating the effects of climate change to improving the health and well-being of community members.

The forest will be planted on the land adjacent to the Museum at N 185th and Linden Ave N in Shoreline.

Other resources:
Funder and Landscape designer:


DKH November 5, 2023 at 12:55 AM  

The Forest will be on the land adjacent to the Museum at N 185th and Linden Ave N, Shoreline WA 98133

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