Need a Sandbag?

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Robert Scott shows how to fill a sand bag

Story and photos by Patrick Ducey

The City of Shoreline has a sandbag program where they supply bags and sand so that people can fill their own sandbags. A sandbag is a very useful tool, along with keeping storm drains clear, to help divert storm runoff and prevent some localized flooding. 

It's also nice to have some road sand to get some traction when it starts snowing on some of the hills around here.

The Northshore Emergency Management Coalition (NEMCo) conducted training recently on making, moving, and stacking sandbags to create an effective flood control wall.

The NEMCo CERT team practiced making a sandbag dike

On Saturday, the NEMCo CERT team put that training into action, and practiced making a sandbag dike.

The public sand pile is in Hamlin park, the first parking lot on the left. 

The NEMCo CERT team meets monthly on the second Tuesday of each month at Fire Station 51 in Kenmore. The public is welcome.


Anonymous,  October 17, 2023 at 2:16 PM  

The sand pile is in the spot where the wood chips used to be. What happened to the wood chips?

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